Eve and Vamp
We are two brought together
He calls it fate, she calls it destiny
There are updates made monthly to this page, so be patient.
Enjoy the pictures and poetry by EVE, but if you plan on using the poetry, make sure you get permission, it is copyrighted.
So take this little journey and enjoy the ride
And make sure to come back often...
There will be a delay in update to the page daily.
I try searching
Somehow along the way
I see the dark tunnel
They tell me don't go there
I want to sit here a while
One day I might tire
Witches Awareness
Witches of Louisiana
Blair Witch Vs. Bell Witch
Who we are!
Can you help me identify this sword?
Feeling nothing
Can't seem to find reality.
Digging for the sanity
It just won't come
It won't be seen.
I lost it
What was good and true
Everyone says it'll come back
I hope it's soon.
Because right now I feel
No end can be seen
I enter
Not knowing if I will come out
The other side.....
Turn the other way
I can't
The coolness of the dark
Is too inviting
Visit this place
I may not want to leave
Time will tell
Of the rodents who lick my wounds
Who infect my soul deeper
With every tiny touch
They offer solace
But their infection is deadly
Is it worth the time
I don't know?
Right now I choose
To remain.
Once More
In Love Again
To Misty
Points To Ponder
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