Lord, when the problems of this world come at me from all sides You shelter me
When the pain of it all becomes more than I can bear, You are the One that gives me security
You are my hiding place when my foes come against me
You are the One that provides for me
Lord, without You
where would I be?
You lifted me out of the miry clay and set my feet upon solid ground
You showed me love when I was unlovely and forgave me when I stood alone and guilty
My soul soars as Your unconditional love sweeps over me, I lift my voice in praise to Thee in the midst of the storm...
You alone give me the strength and courage to step forth into the unknown
You give me love, hope, peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.
All You ask of me is to have the faith of a child
You are my Rock and my Salvation
Lord, You are the light that guides
my path
I will trust in You and not
be afraid because
Your Love
Covers Me