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† My Peace †

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My Peace

What would you give to have peace?

Each of us search for peace in our life. But this world can offer us only momentary peace, a false peace. Many would give their life savings to have one full day of total, Peace.

Even when your world is coming down around you and confusion is all you see and hear...

You can be at peace within your soul

Jesus spoke to His disciples about peace and this is what He told them

John 14:27

'Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful'

It was in 1984 when I started reading God's Word and studying it, I was so unsure of myself and depression was part of my daily life. I had taken anti-depression medicine for years but then one day...

I came across this Scripture

John 14:27

Now, if anyone knew peace it was Jesus! And the more time I spent reading the Bible the more I realized that...

Not once did I found one place where Jesus said, Oh, no whatever shall I do? He did not stand wringing His hands, or pacing the floor. Even when Judas walked up to Jesus and betrayed Him with a kiss in the garden...

Jesus did not fret, worry, cry, rant and rave or take to His bed and hide from the world...

Jesus was at peace...

Even when He stood before the Roman soldiers, and they knocked Him down and beat Him...

Jesus did not fall on His knees and beg for mercy...

His was at peace within His soul

Jesus knew we would need peace and He gave it to us

If there was to be any peace in my own life, I knew it had to come from Him...

I took Jesus at His word...

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you"

I read that scripture and then read it again, letting it really sink into my heart.

I didnt even have to ask for peace, He left it for me, He gave peace to me! It is already ours for the taking, all we have to do is accept it...

All we have to do is receive it!

If someone holds a gift out to you, and you don't reach out and take it into your hands it is not yours, not until you receive it from the person who is offering it to you.

His Word also tells us that the truth will set us free...

Take time to learn of Him, believe in Him, and received His Word as truth...

Peace is yours, all you have to do is reach out and receive it

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Jesus Prays


Words of our Lord,
Taken from The Open Bible
New American Standard

Shirley Busby

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