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My Grandmother

I have been asked many times throughout my life who I admire most. In school I would choose Helen Keller or some other famous person whom I thought did something important. But now that I have gotten older and hopefully wiser, it is my Grandmother, Jennie O'Neal, who I admire most.

Grandma gave birth to 12 children and had 5 stepchildren. My Grandfather, Henry O'Neal died when the 12th child Lane was just a baby. Shortly after my grandfather died, Lane also died.

My grandmother never remarried. She went to work and supported and kept her children together. Things were hard for he but she kept going. She worked as hard at home as she did at work but she didn't complain.

When I ask her how she did it, she says I did it because it is what I had to do and the good Lord helped me.

When asked why she never remarried, she says because she didn't have time and because my grandfather was the only one for her.

I can remember spending many nights with grandma, and she didn't take just one of us at a time, she had two or three of us, sometimes four or more! I don't remember my Grandmother ever yelling at us or getting mad at us, well maybe once but we won't go into that, let's just say sometimes kids do dumb things, right Rhonda?

At 90 she is still going, maybe not as fast as she used to, but she is still going. She still lives at home with two sons, one is paralyzed and the other has mental problems. She still does things around her house (more than she should)! She has seen a lot of pain in her life, she has buried her husband, half of her children, several grandchildren, son-in-laws who were like children to her and she has buried some of her brothers and sisters. And seen many changes in her lifetime.

She has always helped anyone that she could and still does. Grandma's philosophy on life? "There's always someone worse off than you." I have never heard any one say one bad thing about my grandmother, just the opposite. Grandma never said anything bad about anyone, if she couldn't find something nice to say (which was rare), she didn't say anything at all.

There is so much more to Grandma than what I have written here, so much more that she has done. One of the things I am most grateful for, is that she raised my mother, a wonderful woman in her own right!

I know there is a special place in Heaven for my Grandmother and when it is time, the Lord will call her Home and she will be ready.

My grandmother is admired and respected by all who know her. If I can be a fourth of the woman my Grandmother is, I will have accomplished very much in my life!

I love you Grandma!

Written for my grandmother, Jennie O'neal,
Sept. 22, 1999
by Judi Walker

On June 2, 2000, my Grandmother left us to go to her Heavenly Home. She touched so may lives during her 90 and a half years on this earth and will be missed by all who knew and loved her.

This Is Not Good-bye

This is not good bye,
It is only farewell for a little while,
When we think of you not being here we will cry,
But when we think of our wonderful memories we'll smile,
You have a special place in the hearts of many people,
You touched so many lives in your special way,
Your out look on life was plain and simple,
Believe in God, be kind to others and be thankful for each day.
In life you saw your share of heartache and pain,
Had your hard times and times of sorrow,
But you never questioned your Lord or asked him to explain,
You just prayed for a better tomorrow,
You had a kind word for every one and were a friend to all,
You shared words of wisdom and gave encouragement to those in need,
You spoke of your Lord and about waiting for His call,
You said when he spoke, you would heed.
The Lord has decided it was time to take you to your Heavenly Home above,
He lifted you gently in his arms and gave you wings to fly,
Now you are with loved ones who went before you, you are surrounded in love,
Even though we are sad and have tears to cry,
We will remember that we will all be together again someday,
And what a glorious day that will be to again see your smile,
You will be right there to lead our way,
This is not good-bye, just so long for a little while.....

Written In Memory of Jennie O'Neal
By Judi Walker
June 3, 2000

A tree was planted in memory of my Grandmother at her church.
There are pictures of the ceremony here.
A Tree For Jennie O'Neal