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My Philippine Eagle Project

I recently saw a programme on PBS about the many different types of eagles on our planet. It also went into a little detail about how each seperate type has evolved relative to it's habitat, from rainforest to sea to bleak mountainous regions, in every country in the world. All in all, one of nature's success stories.

One bird inparticular caught my attention, mainly because of it's sheer size and intriguing appearance, the Philippine or Monkey-Eating eagle. I contacted the Philippine Eagle Foundation and offered to do some sketches, drawings or whatever to help them raise money in their conservation efforts. They were keen for me to go ahead and have recently sent me some incredible photos of these birds so that I can start work (thank you Dennis!).

I initially thought of doing just one picture but these photos have inspired me to carry on until my artistic muse is exhausted! As I progress I will post my pictures here for all to see and as information comes to me I will also pass that on to anyone who might be interested in helping a worthy cause.

My congratulations go out to the staff at the Philippine Eagle Centre on the hatching of an eaglet on Sunday, 12th November.

Work to date ...

Here's the first sketch ...

... and here's my first colour drawing using Derwent Artists' Pencils on textured mountboard

Just a wee bit bigger than the scanner would allow, but I think you get the idea ....

And here is my second colour attempt ...

The Philippine Eagle Foundation
