After the destruction of Black Betty by a soccer mom in a
Suburban, the quest for a replacement ensued. The find: a ’78 Trans-Am with a
400 big block was purchased in March 2009.
This page shows the progress of the T/A after some
exterior sanding and reupholstering the seats, replacing the headliner, painting some
interior panels and replacing brake pads and the master cylinder. Parts that
are waiting to be installed are a new front spoiler, grille and electric fan
upgrade. For bodywork, more sanding, weld in the holes where side molding was
attached and patch a few rusted areas before applying a full coat of gloss black
along with the famous bird on the hood and 6.6L T/A decals. The engine will get
exhaust and a K&N filter for a mild performance increase and to get the
muscle car sound.
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