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Find out about the progression of Brad's Work-In-Progress Jeep.
Let's see what he gets when a 6 volt flat fender and a 24 volt '52 M38A1 come together as one.


Hey Brad, what are we going to name her?

flat fender front
stripped flat fender rear
Here is the flat fender after the busted fiberglass body and the steel hood have been removed. Brad has started to move the larger and more aggressive tires and wheels to the other Jeep.
Here is the flat fender as seen from the rear. Brad has already borrowed some engine components from the flatty as well.
M38A1 front
M38A1 rear
Here Brad is grinding the seized nuts off the studs so that he can install the larger tires and wheels as seen on the passenger side in this pic.
Here is a shot at the rear of the 1952, M38A1. He actually climbed a pretty steep hill with the Jeep in this condition.

Stayed tuned for more info. on this slow growing project.
The fenders of the M38 have been trimmed for more clearance and better looks.
Brad now has all four tires and wheels installed and is repairing the rusted floorpans and will
fabricate a new seat cushion and seat back for the bare seat frame that currently resides behind the steering wheel.
A fuel cell may eventually ocupy the rear floor of the M38.
Brad would also like to replace the I-4 engine with a 4.3 Chevy V6, but we'll see.


Larry R's Site