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"Mamluk Warrior Doll"

This doll was based on historical engravings and paintings dipicting various Mamluk warriors. In particular, I used the above engraving for most of the details on this guy.
He is owned by Debbi LerMond, who also owns a teal Mamluk costume that I made, and that has been waiting for a rider!

He started life as a Breyer Farrier Doll, if you can believe it...
I did a little bit of resculpting to his face, and gave him darker skin tones to get a more "native" look.

His shirt and pants are satin. His jacket is a textured velvet. (although you may not be able to tell from the pictures)

His turban is teal silk, and his shoes are silk brocade.

Since I wanted him to look like a sucessful and wealthy warrior, lots of genuine Swarovski crystals and golden filigree decorate his clothing.

And, of course, every warrior needs his trusty dagger.

Visitors since November 1, 2001: