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To lie is a sin...sins are forgiven.
To lie to oneself is ultimate deceit.
Yet, a LIE is what I lived most
of my adult life...
"Your life is complete."
"Your life is whole."
These words I told myself daily.. LIE.

I was complete.
I was whole,
for I did not need another
person to make me who or what I was.
But my LIFE was not complete.
Too much love, caring, and giving
lived within my heart.
I needed to be able to share these...
That would complete my Life.

God was gracious and gave me a child...
Ah, yes. Now my Life is complete...... LIE.
The love, caring, giving, and nurturing
made me whirl with
delight as I relished in rearing the child
that He entrusted with me.
This is what living a complete Life is..... LIE.

Years went by much too quickly.
just as I had to adjust my life
to let the child in,
I had to
adjust to letting her go...
False completeness was gone...
The LIE was revealed.

My eyes were opened...
the LIE became known for what it was.
But once again God was gracious...
Events happened in two lives
that lived hundreds of miles apart...
Lives that had lived in two different worlds.
A freak accident,
two unsolicited Christmas gifts,
a chance encounter
one lonely night...

No, just God
putting an end to a LIE...
Changing it to the TRUTH for which I had yearned.

You and Me.....Love...Complete...Whole.

Thank you, Lord

Poem copyright & written by: LouiGirl [P.J.G.]
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