
Well Hello there kiddies....Surprised to see an update?!!! Could The Dalians be making a comeback!!! Check back as we are stirring some brew in the making!

Monday April 16th: Not much happening...waldo from Exit One Eighty is Moving into The Dalians House tonite, he's taking my old room as i've relocated to the west side (hold your aplause, I know I'm a whore) We're playing a show w/ Damnation, The ADZ, and Drive Train Saturday Nite at the Tongue and Groove... EVERYONE SHOULD BE THERE!
The Show at Kaos Kafe this weekend was rad, i hope that venue stays open for awhile...anyway send your critisisms to me at

Sunday April 8th: That was Officially the TRIP FROM HELL! The Show was great...thanks Nate for hooking us up, and to ALL those Kids that came out of the woodworks to jerrys saturday nite, even though Unwritten Law was playing around the corner! It was great to be back in the old hood and see all our old friends... oh yeah back to the Trip From Hell...we left vegas w/ just exactly enough time to get to bakersfield and load in before the show was sposed to start...only the truck wasn't quite cooperating...It broke down about 15 minutes out of Vegas and Saustin had to crawl under it and rewire some shite before we were on our way again...Theeeeeen 15 minutes after that, The U-Haul got a Flat Tire in State Line! So we call U-Haul to see how we're gonna get it fixed and they give us the run around...yada, yada, yada...we ended it up leaving it there and just putting the equipment in the back of the truck and hoping for the best... all was well, we got to the dale on time and had a great weekend. But then on the way back the FREAKING truck just Stopped. Sooooo we had to get that towed from BAKER to Las Vegas...fucking Nitemare! I can't tell you how much respect i have for touring bands after this little mishap, I'll never take them for granted again!

Friday April 6th: We've got a show in Bakersfield tonite and we're about to leave...Check us out tonite at Jerry's Pizza on Chester Ave. ~Viva La Oildale~

Monday April 2nd: Just got back from a weekend in Hollywood w/ DriveTrain and Nothing Yet...Super fun weekend all and all...

Sunday March 25th: It was so rad to play a show w/ Snap-her...my girlhood dream come true. I totally could have done w/out all the drama (i.e. Saustin renaming every song in our set "Jesse's Girl") and it would have been great if we played better but what the hey right? You only live once and those Gin & Tonics are Oh So Tempting! DRIVETRAIN played after us and rocked REALLY LOUDLY...and then Snap-Her...I guess the Turn out could have been better but i guess there was some competition from the Tea-Baggers show over at Money Plays...BASTARDS. PS thanks Tiger...Check out his site Big Lizard Records.

Friday March: 23rd Yeah yeah yeah, i know its been forever since i've updated but all HELL has broken loose over here at The Dalians camp, and things are finally coming back together...We've broken up and gotten back together about 15 times in the last 3 weeks, the house has disbanded and The Tour is 2 weeks away! WOO HOO...but hey we're all troopers. So the Snap-Her Show is tommorrow at the Cooler Lounge ( so i hope to see ALL of you there)...and after that i guarantee there'll be a ton of pictures of Us w/ Andi and the rest of the troops...

Sunday Feb. 25th: We're all Fucking SICK! Thanks LENNY! Everyone pencil in Friday March 2nd as BUSY, cuz those wacky boys from Nothing Yet are gonna be back in town to jam with The Dalians and Drive Train at The COOLER LOUNGE! Even if your not in it for the music, bring down your favorite big gulp cup (and i know you've got at least ONE laying around your nasty little apartment) to fill up w/ piss...Its now a tradition and we wouldn't wanna let little Ryan down...now would we?

Saturday Feb. 24th: The Show last nite was really cool. I Love the Tounge & Groove...its such a seedy place, and you can't beat the Location. I heard a vicious rumor that The ADZ are gonna play there some time in the not so distant future...(Knock on Wood) anyway the show went great, we played first and i personally heckled some old broad outta the bar, Nate Dog was pretty sick, and Sauce was...well...Sauced as usual. We played some of our new tunes and actually sold some shirts! (FYI- if you wait till all the bands are done playing at one of our shows i'm usually so drunk i'm giving the merchandise away...) Exit One Eighty Played after us and Did a Rousing cover of "Blister In The Sun" They also covered a Queers song w/ that shit talkin' kid from berkley Mike Wise (check out his remarks about our Scene on SinCityMusic.com's Message board or just click here) I didnt' even know that X-Bestfriend was gonna do the show w/ us till i saw they're smiling faces across the bar. I didn't catch much of they're set but i did hear that they covered "Puff the Magic Dragon" (the Peter Paul and Mary version) and thats just too fucking CUTE! all in all it was a great nite, i personally went and ate a Happy face Pancake at BlueBerry hill after the show, while Saustin and the skin kids went back to the house for Beer Fest 2.23.01

Tuesday Feb. 20th: Last weekend is a Fucking BLUR. 3 words are all i can conjur up...Punk Rock Bowling. Thank god i've got the pictures to prove it (click here to check em' out) anyway we're playing on friday at the Tounge and Groove, the show starts at 9pm and we're playing w/ Exit One Eighty.
Hey i wanna say thanks to sweet li'l caty for circulating our mailing list around a few of the local highschools...now even more kids can enjoy my bi-monthly postal harrassments!

Febuary 17th: Today we're playing Larry's Birthday party over on DI & Eastern, if anyone needs directions email me before 3pm. Thats about it, oh yeah and we're going to see RKL tonite...Yipeee!!

Febuary 14th: We just got back from a Rousing set at the Junkyard! Thanks folks for letting us play...and good luck cleaning up that Stage, I guess that should be directed at jim though, oh yeah and Jim...Jesse wants you to FUCK OFF! (in the nicest way)
So it all started w/ some paper airplanes during the Exit One Eighty Set, But the boys got bored w/ good ole' aviation and just started wingin' Ice Cubes at the Stage! ( Sorry to Geoff who got a chunk right to the sternum)...Then when we took the stage IT WAS ON!! We got covered in Toilet Paper and Beer! We had a super time though, and in my opinion played a pretty good set!
Check out the Pictures Here...Oh yeah The Pics from the show on Feb. 2nd are up...click here to view them.

Febuary 13th: Lots happening on the Dalians front... First of all we might be Relocating...Waaaaay out by A Bomb Records. We're just wherehouse kinda kids i guess, Hey Don't forget the show at the Junkyard w/ the Lucky Stiffs and Exit One Eighty on Valentines day (Tommorrow Nite)

Febuary 12th: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so EXCITED! I just got an email from the Great and Wonderful Tiger of Big Lizard Records and guess what??????? WE might Get to Play with SNAP-HER at the Cooler Lounge on March 24th!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh i'm going to pee my pants!!!!! Check this out...Last nite we're at the Cooler chillen' and drinkin beer cuz we heard there was gonna be some Punk Rock Bands from Mexico there....WRONG! we arrived to find DEATH METAL nite! But we didn't have any other pressing engagments so we stuck around, And after the last of the hair farmers took the stage they loaned us they're equipment and we jammed a few...that was until Gabes girlfriend got in a fight w/ some lost alzhiemers patient lookin' for his geritol...To funny!! Thanks fellas...who ever you were for letting us use your equipment.

Febuary 11th: The Party was Great! Thanks to everyone that showed up! Especially the bands...Drive Train and Ron Jeremy 5 for Rockin' our house and entertaining the youngin's...If you didnt' come you REALLY missed out...Justin from Exit One Eighty got a Valentines cake to the forehead, Jesse got Cupcakes in his ears (...but so did i) and there were DRUNK GIRLS WRESTLING! Our next party isn't until sometime in March, but i'll be sure to let everyone know when!

Febuary 10th: Todays the Party...Yipee...Hope to see you all here! The Adress is 1650 eastern ave. and thats at the corner of eastern and oakey. Hey News Flash we're going to be doing a live interview w/ Jammer from LasVegasRocks.com on Febuary 29th...so don't forget to listen in!

Febuary 8th: Guess WHAT?? The Dalians Are gonna be In a MOVIE!! Thats right we're filming a club scene for some independent flick TONITE!! Special thanks to Blake from The Ron Jeremy 5 for going snowboarding this weekend and being out of town so we could fill they're spot! Whooo Hoooo!! The Guy on the phone said they would give us a digital recording of the event soooo have no fear we'll make it easily available to ALL OF YOU!!

Febuary 6th: Hey Everyone...Thanks for Voting for us on Punknet.com's Battle of the Bands...but we lost.

Febuary 4th: Last nites show was so much fun, there was a boxing match and everything! it was a hair flying, nail breakin' good time! can't wait till the next one gals...maybe this weekend? Speaking of! We're Having another PARTY THIS WEEKEND!! click here to view the flyer and print a map! We'll be celebrating riot grrrl Dominique's SWEET 16 BIRTHDAY, and Groovin' to the sweet Tunes of Drive Train and The Ron Jeremy 5! Hey I've done alot of updates on the site today...check em out: Nates pic is up in Our Mugs, There's a new STREAM LINE version of Upcoming Shows! So there's no excuse for Tardiness at our gigs anymore! I've also added a bunch of New Links!

Febuary 3rd: Ohhhhhh Yeaaaaaah! The Dalians are Back!! Thats right Gracing the Stage of The Cooler Lounge! w/ The LUCKY STIFFS and CM5...The Flyer!

Febuary 2nd: The Tounge & Groove Lounge! One Nite ONLY!! THE DALIANS, Exit One Eighty, The Ron Jeremy 5 and Souled Out! CHECK THE FLYER FOR THIS SHOW!!

January 24th: The Lucky Stiffs...Deco's new band is playing tonite at THE JUNKYARD!!

January 17th: New Dalians songs up On Mp3.com! I put up all the songs from our "$3.00 Demo" Go ahead...Check em out!

January 7th: Hey Hey Hey!! The party went off w/out a Hitch! Thanks so much to all the kids that came out, and all the bands that rocked the nite away! I'm totally suprised that the cops didn't show up! everyone knock on wood that the next one goes off as well! With any luck we're gonna try to do these Once a Month w/ different bands everytime. I did a Zine w/ all the pics we got from the party...if anyone wants a copy just email me.

January 6th: The Dalians Party is Today click here to check out the Party Page...The Pics should be up by the time your viewing this!

January 2nd: The Flying V arrives on my front porch! I LOVVVVE this Bass! Click here to admire epiphones handy work!

January 1st: HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2001 baby! and The Dalians are ready for the brand new year, and thanks to that X-files marathon we're all rested up

December 31st: New Years Eve! We were gonna stay home and just chill, but as it turns out the boys from from EOE are back together....now known as Exit One Eighty we're playing a house party! So the dalians rolled UP!! And whatta ya know..after an amazing set by EOE, w/ new band members Justin and Skott (great version of "boys don't cry") The Dalians Graced the stage!! w/ Nate on a Left hand kit, and sauce chillin' w/ justin's guitar set up...WE ROCKED!!

December 22nd: 4 hours later...WE arrive in BAKERSFIELD! Home Sweet Home

December 2nd: We Played a Show at the SANCTUARY!! It was alot of funs...we played first, w/ Full Pledged and some other great bands...thanks jim for hooking us up w/ a show!

November 23rd: Sauce and i were torn from our bandmate on this great american holiday...THANKSGIVING! And forced to go to a place not many have braved...SANDY VALLEY! We went to visit my super fantastic and wacky granparents! All was well and they even took us to The Sandy Valley Bar...Its a Double Wide Mobile Home w/ a Bar, TV, and a Pool Table (granpa kicked saustin's ass!) Happy Holidays!!

November 18th: Saustins Birthday!! Sauce turned 23! The Nice kids from (the band formerly known as) EOE came over to help him count out his birthday lashings...as i sweet nice roxie gave him 23 swats w/ the cat-0-nine tails!! We had a great jam sessions!! I caught some of it on video...maybe i'll look into encoding it...hmmmm

November 15th: MEET MARCELLA!! (click here to check out a picture!) The Happiest and Youngest li'l Dalian! We brought her home from the weirdo that bred her parents!! You HAVE to Love this Dog!!

October 24th: Sorry I'm naughty and havent' updated in a while...Check out our Interview with Brant from SinCityMusic.com and enter to win YOUR free Dalians T-Shirt

October 7th: DALIANS SHOW TONITE!! Wilsons Bar & Grille Decatur and Sahara See ya there

October 6th: Mike the Roady is back in BakersField! Hears are breaking tonite i assure you...Best of Luck Mikey

October 4th: Hey Vegas!! Nick and Stacey Smith have abandoned the Dale for Greener Pastures!! The Dalians shows will never be the same again now that Sid "Punk-as-Fuck" Smith will be attending every all-ages show he can (given they're not past his bed time)

October 3rd: WATCH OUT!!! Last Nite Nate, Mikey, Saustin and I were at the show boat minding our own and having a couple drinks when...AUSTIN WAS ATTACKED AND ASSAULTED BY 4-6 SECURITY GUARDS!! Locked in a small concrete room for 2 hours was not told why and eventually charged with Battery and Indecent Exposure and taken to Jail!! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!! Las Vegas WATCH YOUR ASS!! This could happen to you! We are living in a city where these trained monkey's are given more rights than they know what to do with and are actually allowed to carry GUNS!! We are fighting this 100% I can't devuldge all the info at this point but i'll keep everyone posted on they're favorite "alleged Sex-offender" and the details of his case!! If you have any info that might be usefull or any advice PLEASE email usThats all for now...

September 29th: Rosh Hashana...Mazoltov!!!

September 25th: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE...and margo!! We're getting a keg and playing some tunes so if your so inclined feel free to drop by the Dalians Pad For some Beer inspired birthday fun!!

September 16th: We're working on a couple new tunes. We haven't played any shows latley...Nates Birthday is on the 25th he'll be 24!

September 8th: Tonite was a fun filled...Nate turned 18 years old (not our drummer) so in we packed up our gear and met him and a couple friends in his backyard for a rockin' good time! The Beer was flowing and so we're the tunes...The Cops Didnt' even come...and there were Dalians shirts for all!! Thanks Nate & Family!Click hereFor Pics from the party!

September 6th: hey hey hey...its been awhile since i've done any updates...and i apologize! WE Moved! Yep, The Dalians have a new Club House. We're representing the EastSide again...In more eventfull news it took all of two practices at our new location for the cops to show up!! In grand Dalians style we sweet talked em' and haven't had any problems since. I know the Unity Fest Pics were fucked up for awhile but everyone will be happy to know they're up and running now so check up out!!

click here!!!

August 22th: The Dalians Rocked UNITY FEST!! It was a really great show...Thanks a million to Waldo and Diane for getting us on the bill last minute! And all the other bands that graced the stage! We managed to give out about 600 patches and stickers...so we're that much closer to covering the earth! If you want your Dalians Patches and Stickers Click here! Hey there's also a new Interview up that we did w/ Slapnuts, A Zine from the UK...and when you get a chance Check us out on Mp3.com/thedalians to hear our new tune Rock Star! Thats it for now...I'm not sure when our next show is...Keep on Rockin'

August 16th: We're playing Unity Fest on Sunday Aug 20th at about 3pm, its $5.00 to get in and they'll be 11 bands and many, many organizations! Hope to see ya there! I posted New links on the site, and we just did an interview so i'll ad the link for that soon! We saw a great band last weekend called Big Link... everyone should check them out...they came all the way to our fair city from Canada! We just finished recording our Demo, You'll be able to order it from this site soon! okay kids...remember to Rock-N-Roll!

August 12th: Hey Kids!! Guess what? The Dalians just might be 8 days away from their first show in 7 months! Due to the untimely demise of Local Hero's End Over End (or should i say temporary Demise?) There's a spot open at UNITY 2000...and if they dont' get a guitar player in time..we're IN like FLYNN! Yippee!! Saustin is getting a new guitar amp today...he's like a kid on the 3rd day of Channuka, so if any of you have techincal questions about the Fender Ultimate Stero Chorus Amp you can email him at:Austin@thedalians.comSo there you have it...if we get the gig Dont worry you'll hear about it!

August 9th: Yeah, I've started getting emails from everyone about their patches...So that must mean they're arriving...don't feel bad if yours haven't yet...just be patient. And anyone ordering a demo or t-shirt please note that the correct address is: 2006 Highland ave. Las Vegas, Nv 89102 (I put the wrong zip before) Oops!

August 6th: Sauce and i are sending out 97 envelopes containing Free Patches & Stickers on Monday! Thanks to everyone for being patient w/ us...If anyone eles would like to get in on the fun, just email your current mailing address to: thedalians@hotmail.com.
We also made a bunch of new T-Shirts that we'll be selling here on the site along w/ our Cassette Demo....stay tuned!

August 4th: We are back in a Good Way...Ron has Departed from the band...And Nate Dog (the Original Dalian) is back on his Throne...literally! So we've been back at the studio pounding away...And getting ready to record some new songs. We're re-Incorperating some of the Old Dalians Songs Like your Favorites: "Message to the UpperClass" & "Mr. Big Shot" sure to delight the Kids from Coast to Coast!!
Also we'll be representing at
UNITY 2000 at the Sanctuary Aug. 20th (we'll just have a booth to peddle our wares...we didnt' make the bill) This is an all day event w/ 11 bands!! including End Over End, The Sweat Hogs, and Total Chaos just to name a few....Hope to see ya there!

August 1st: The Band is in a BAD WAY. we haven't practiced in a Long time...I think things are changing....i guess we'll see...Austin is taking off to New Orleans. On a happy Note we got all the stuff to Make The Dalians stickers, I know your all just dying to get your hands on some...They'll be there soon! and remember if you haven't sent us your address yet to get some click here!

July 29th: It was a Fairy Tale! An oildale wedding in the heart of the Sin City!! It was the stuff Dreams are made of....Austin and i dressed up, Ben got hitched and the rest is history...click here for pics!

July 21st: We threw Deco a Bachelors party at our Studio...Yeaaaaaaah! NateDog showed up in time to re-hash some old Dalians memorys and it looks like we might have a new/old band mate back! The Boys ended up over at cheetah's for some lap dances, and all was well until...if for some reason you want the story email me at: the_dalians@hotmail.com

July 17th: The Dalians almost ended prematuraly today. We didnt' think we were gonna be able to pay the rent on our studio...but alas! Austins Capitolist Manifesto paid off, we rushed up in the nik of time w/ the cash...We Are SAVED!!

July 14th: Went to See Youth Brigade & Swingin Utters...I bought a scratched record...Good Show though.

July 7th: I added a chat room to the site last nite, I'll send out an invite to all our mailing list members soon, and we'll all meet and make fun of Saustin & Ron! I've been updating the site pretty regularly and things are still constantly changing...if you have any feedback please feel free to contact me! ROCK-N-ROLL!!!

July 4th: We partied all weekend, Saustin's sister and Mikey came to town. So i haven't done much work on the site. You can however check out the pictures from our weekend...18 and over only as there is some Nudity!! ENJOY!

June 27th: We've been rehearsing and recording, haven't had much time to work on the site. We're getting ready to start booking shows again (our first since the line-up change). If you have any opinions about the site, let me know.... the_dalians@hotmail.com . Hope to hear from you soon!

June 23rd: The Dalians are #2 on the Garage charts!! w/ Losin a Friend on Mp3.com!! Its because of all of you so THANK YOU!! and feel free to go back andlisten to our songs OVER-and-OVER-again....

June 20th: Added "Losin' A Friend" to Mp3.com last nite, I've been doing a ton of work on this site, I hope you like it! So go to Mp3.com often and help feed our ever inflating Ego's!

June 14th: FLAG DAY-wank! We're Now on Mp3.com CHECK IT OUT!!

June 10th: We got a new Drummer, his name is Ron, you can check out his vital statistic at this link. you know just the basics Social Security Number, Blood type, Weight, Height, and Date of Birth! He's a GREAT Drummer, and we owe it all to Dre' at the Taco Shack for Hooking us up w/ him...oh yeah and the fact that he conveniently just left "2 ply goverment" YEAH!!

June 9th: Saustins Mom Tied the Knot!! AGAIN...third times the charm!

May 30th: I've been ReFurbishing this whole site, I hope everyone likes the new look...You can cast your vote by emailing me at the_dalians@hotmail.com.

May 24th: We're about to begin recording w/ the Super-Fantastic Recorder we just comendeered. (Thanks a Ka-Billion COUNT...yer the BEST!!)

May 17th: The Dalians Just got a Bitchen New Studio, conveniently located between many of our city's finest STRIP JOINTS...Sauce is happy!