"It Ain't Over Yet!"

Song Playing: This Guy's In Love With You

Oh my I'm love struck
Oh my I'm not done...
Isn't being in love
A whole lotta fun?

Ya think we can?
Have a lotta fun?
And do most of what
Others ain't done?

And just to think we just met...
And it ain't over yet!

I've called you Necessary
I've called you My Absolutely
My oh my goodness gracious
Let's just go for it...indefinitely!


Ya think we can?
Have a lotta fun?
And do most of what
Others wish they'd done?

No, darling, I'm not done yet
Not till the doing is over
And loving goes out of style...
Yep...I'll rest here knowing
I will be here a long while

A long while is my forever with you
And as long as I have you
Our doing as we please is plain to see
As in doing what we aim to do...

I made my bed long ago
And I sleep in it...
But to have you there with me
Would please me and put an end to it
With you in it beside me

Ya think we can have fun?
Being in love and all?
All that talk 'bout...
Just fooling around and all?

The fooling around
I just make mention of
Hoping you know my true self?
And knowing I can't bear feelings
Of being without you...
And by my lonesome self

Life is too short
Being without you this way
I go on figuring anyways
We got something the rest of the way

So...let's just take it for a ride
Seeing just how it may turn out
And make a life the way it should be
Could be? Can this be what it's all about?


I've called you Necessary
My Absolute Absolutely...
My one and only
The only one for me!

I'm Love Struck by you...and
I'm not done with you!
Can't come home again
Without you

And to think we just met...

And just knowing fer shure...

It ain't over yet!

Dan Crenshaw
November 13, 2000

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