
Song Playing: "Turn Around Look At Me"

If I had a choice
Which I have a few
I would make one choice
And it would be you

Because you talk to me
You understand me
And you made a choice
To understand me

If I had choices
More than one
I would make a guess
You were the only one

If I had a choice to make
Wouldn't I rejoice?
That would be my choice...

Choices are a dime a dozen
They come and they go...
But the one I made today
Is why I make choices
and why I make them grow

So far and in between
It was my choice
To make...
One for you and me you know
That will soon make the difference...

I no longer question that someone
May be walking behind me...
That most important person (you)
knows too much about me!

We make a couple a day
And when we wake up and take notice
Of this day...
We know we made the best of

this day...


The best of choices...

Dan Crenshaw
September 19, 2000



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