
Inside all of us resides a dream
A degree of desire to pursue our dreams...
Something inside us, deep inside our heart, drives us to dream of pursuing life's rewards...
Happiness, some self-gratification, personal success?

This list is endless...

For some, the goal is professional in nature. For others, it's a financial gain or a personal achievement. Then it can take form in a wanted relationship or that of starting a family or the thought of doing so...

Dreams can be socially or religiously founded...only then to be a fascination...

We all have dreams
And they are only dreams until they are understood, interpreted and then acted upon.

It's all about dreams
It's about alot of things
But one thing you can be certain...

It's much more...

What is crystal clear and drive home is this:
How one must understand dreams and then decide on a correct course of action to take what is necessary to not only make these dreams possible, but a reality...

Most of us are not pursuing a dream
We find ourselves still dreaming

We all have our dreams of something as different as they may be
And sadly, it boils down to just that. We have moved too far and away from our dreams, and we have, for the most part, forgotten what the dream was really about in the first place....what made it happen...

Don't dismay

For with every dream comes the chance and good time...to fulfill this dream...

Very few take the time and then recognize the opportunities that are available. Acting suddenly on their dreams...

The excuse remains that it is not the right time, or just too damn hard to make it happen...for whatever forsaken reason...

Just because you find it too hard for now, or you cannot move forward, you opt for doing something else...

You decide...

You're NOT pursuing your dreams
You're NOT acting on your dreams, and
You're doing something else!

Why do we not do what's required to allow us to begin living our dreams?

Why aren't we living and experiencing our dreams now?


It's because we have become too comfortable...
Much too comfortable with what we are comfortable doing!...

When the going gets bad, we regress back to what we're used to doing
It has become too easy to avoid what comes hard
There may be some solitude in momentarily
(for some)
Or indefinitely...
(for all the others)
Escaping from the pursuit of our dreams...

We can feel better for the moment, but then only for a short period of time
Doing anything else, other than becoming again more comfortable, only depresses or frustrates us more when things don't go our way...

We decide to gravitate towards "comfort", rather than strike back at adversity and defeat
We can shy away from guilt, fear, unworthiness and discouragement...

Why does one fear discomfort? Why does one fear failure?

Why do we endure this pain?

This something inside of us, this desire, this dream, causes some pain...

Then a decision is made not to act on the dream. Not to pursue the dream...

But we can reverse this vicious cycle of always reverting back to the comfortable state
That state of mind, that way of doing things...that way of thinking that has brought about stagnation
That point of doing nothing
That kept you away from your purpose....your dream...

"To achieve anything at all worthy of being defined as a personal achievement, one must develop new habits, new attitudes, new behavior. A degree of discomfort will be experienced and condoned before a dream can materialize..."

You can stop reading now, or ask yourself...

"Do I remain comfortable and satisfied with my day to day life...my status quo...just what's expected of me? Or do I want to sincerely ACT on my dreams today?"

The choice is entirely yours...


How much time do you have left?

This question has no answer
In space or time, yours or mine
It's really left up to chance and the Maker of your choice...

You may have some idea of how much time you have left, but, there is no way of really knowing just how MUCH time you do have left....

Sobering thought...is it not?

But of one thing you can be certain

It's getting later than you think!

Is there not a better time or reason now to begin today putting a "Plan" into motion that can bring your ideas, desires and dreams to reality?

I think not...

How much time do you have left?
How much more out of life and what it has to offer do you care to experience?

I know you are well-meaning
A serious individual who, deep inside, cares about how it will all pan out in the end...

You have some ambition (that dream thing)...

And a degree of desire...

But a piece of the puzzle is missing, and that being your way out...and how it can be made possible for you to press forward. And then some...

Time seems to have passed you by
And you are again wondering just how you can ever put in place
This passing time to your benefit...

You promise yourself (daily) you will again get back on track
Again planning...again moving forward again...

Yes, you are afraid. Yes, time has passed you by so fast!

Don't feel left out...

You are part of the majority

Let it be known that, yes, no miracle can be offered anyone
Miracles only happen when spoken for or prayed upon...
And only when a change happens to make a change come about...

And with that change comes setting aside useless efforts...setting aside undone projects...setting aside forgotten dreams only to rekindle now new dreams that can come true. Replacing them now with a newer direction and a few new goals that can fulfill a dream or two...

Regardless of who you are, where you came from, or where you may be headed, then maybe through the idea of opening up to new dreams can make old dreams come true. Once understood, the only thing initially required is to put yourself back on your way to believing in a more satisfying, happy, and purposeful life....

You know what you need to do...
Make it your first priority
Understanding and believing in yourself

...and your Dream...

You need not be afraid anymore.

You need only to "Do It Now!"

Dan Crenshaw
December 25, 2001
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