"If You Heard Last Night"

Brought to you by: Dan Crenshaw

Song Playing: "The Way I Always Thought It Should Be"

If you heard
What I said to you last night
Then we could start all over
And make things just right

If you heard last night
My apology
For not reaching out
Then it was just my way...
My way of saying I'm sorry...

For what was not
What we should have forgot
What still gets in the way
Of things we're not...

If you heard last night
When I cried
You may have understood
Why I cried?..with you?

Understanding why now
How you did too
In the middle of the night

What was there to say?
About things that got in the way?
Better off forgetting what got in the way
So we should of these things we do

If you heard last night
My cry in the middle of the night
It was about us and what we mean to each other
And those memories we cried about together

And...if you heard last night
What I may have told you
You will recall the reasons why

I still love you...

Dan Crenshaw
March 10, 2000



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