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Song Playing: "Dances with Wolves"

Necessary is something
You can't do without
I can't do without you
You are necessary...

You fill my every day with pleasures
They enlighten me
And they enchant me
You do all those things so necessary

My goodness gracious!

Don't know if I can do things
Or anything without you
Even in my most rare moments
When I have no clue about you

Or when I take the time even
Through this enchantment of
What we have been through?

You are necessary
Something I can't do without
And I can't do without you
Because you are necessary...

I may find another trail to ride
But no other can make me feel inside
The way you do
No ma'am...from that I cannot hide

Necessary is something
I can't do without
And you are necessary...
That's what it's kinda about

And if you just let me show you
And let me hold you
Then maybe not necessarily so
But just maybe so...
We may give em all
Something to talk about!

And when my riding days are over
I may find my bed with you
We can maybe say finally
It's high time for me and you

Necessary is something you
can't do without...
I can't do without you
And that's just because...

You are necessary...

Dan Crenshaw
March 21, 2000

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