"Showers in the Wind"

Song Playing: "As the World Falls Down"

Showers in the wind
Take me back to you in the end
Glistening tears you shed
Again and again...

I can sense your scent
Of roses and jasmine in the night
And touching you the way you like
You knowing it's just right...

Showers in the wind
Showers in the night
Showering us with the beauty of our love
Our love on first sight...

I can feel the moisture on your skin
I can feel the warmth over again
I can feel you touching me with your eyes
Over and over again

When I'm with you I feel nothing else
But your presence...your loveliness
You speak to me in words that stay
Stay inside me...comforting me

When I make love to you
I go to another time in space
And this time like no other time
With you I have found my place...

Showers in the wind
Speak to me over and over again

How lovely my life is now
With you...

Showers in the night
Soothing my thoughts and dreams of you
And I could never sleep a nite

Without you...

A night can be lovely...

And you my shower in the wind
My shower in the night...

You are my lovely night

My lovely shower in the wind...

......For Janet...my "poetess" angel

Dan Crenshaw
February 3, 2003

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