"Something in the Wind"

Song Playing: "Lost In Your Eyes"

I almost missed hearing today
Something in the wind
As it brushed by my ear
Telling me it was there again...

Was it just another story?
I had heard once before?
About one who cares so much about me?

That something in the wind
Spoke to me about you
Reminding me again
How you were so good to me...for me

Something in the wind
Crying out to me again
A touching story just whispering
In the wind
Out to me again...

Why should it excite me so?
This story I have been told?
These quiet whispers in the wind?
They never grow old...

Something in the wind
Another tale waking me from
Things I have so few answers
To questions ...they ask of me now

I move forward seeking another
Reason for knowing you
For reasons I still love you
And its because something in the wind
Always reminds me of you...

These sweet little nothings
Whispered so very gently in my ear
Filled my head and heart with songs
And a longing....for you my dear
And a longing for what I still hold dear

Something in the wind again today
Reminded me of you...

Left me a melody of a tale
Of what tomorrow still has in store

For me and you...

Dan Crenshaw


March 10, 2000

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