
"Song Playing: "Enya Medley"

I have this reoccurring dream
That beckons out to me to wander
Drums of my heart beat down to my feet
Singing as I tread through it's overtures...
Dancing along to it's endless encores

An African symphony
Is always there for me
A Scandinavian melody
Plays a lovely song for me...

I can hear it finding it's way
And I can always find it there
Over and over again this time

No other singing
No other songs in my head
And yet it taunts me the way it does
These words I left behind...

I yearn to go to another place
Somewhere unlike any other
Places I have not heard
Places I have not seen...
Again playing only melodies
Of stories yet bred...stories yet said...

An island in a stream
Still remains a dream
I move on believing in these things
In my travelling dreams...

A symphony rings out my destiny
Playing melancholy sounds of remembrance
Reminding me ever so gently again
Of other tales that remain untold...

A Canadian rhapsody
An Australian hide away?
Finally could be a place for me
These I want for me

In a symphony
In a melody...
A place for me
Like no other place or song can be...

Maybe California?
A place on a plain
A place I dreamed of in Spain?...

Another Mardi Gras?
Maybe again listening
To a quiet surf in Florida?

All keep singing and have me dreaming
Of another place for me

In a Symphony...

Dan Crenshaw
February 20, 2004

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