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Before you can get into the show (no pun intended), Irene comes in the lounge negotiating on her cell phone. "No, we cannot have trapeze monkeys overhead while the they're performing...well, you're going to have to find someone else to pull those stunts...No, not even for that much money..." she is pacing back and force and you switch off the tv since no one can hear it anyway.

"Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board," Fi sighs and gets up to leave.

"Hey, why don't we get something to eat and think about this. I could go for some ice cream...and Jack, man, you could use some more ice." Clu says and you touch the tender spot above your forehead. You nod in agreement and the three of you head outside. Sighing, you let Fi and Clu take lead. You come to a place called "the Clubhouse."

"Let's try this place," Fi says and pushes her way through the rotating door. Clu goes next followed by you. You push the rotating door and feel a weird pressure surrounding you. When you reach the inside, you notice that you've entered your kitchen. You look around, shocked. Fi and Clu are gone. There is no trace of a club or a tour bus, but you notice you are holding a spoon in one hand and a 7-11 slurpee in the other. "Wha-" you start to say before hear Fi's voice. You rush into the living room. The tv is on and "So Weird" is airing the opening teaser. You stand there and watch, not knowing what to do. Still disoriented from your experience, you sit down and watching the show while you absent-mindedly scoop bite after bite of slurpee into your mouth. Mm. Blueberry razzle, you think.

Then it hits you. "Ow!" you yell grabbing your head, letting your slurpee slip through your hand spilling all over the carpet. "Uh..." you groan and begin to shut your eyes. The last thing you see before you dose off is Jack Phillips--looking straight at the 'camera.' You aren't sure if it's just the brain freeze taking over your mind or if you really saw him wink at you...

**the end?**