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You tell her, "Just watch," not taking your eyes off the screen. Your eyes widen as you see--YOURSELF on the tv. This gets weirder and weirder, you think to yourself.

"What are you doing now, bro?" you see yourself enter a room where a younger boy is hunched over a laptop. You are sipping an extra large slurpee from 7-11 and peer over the young boy's shoulder.

"There's some really strange stuff happening lately so I'm doing a little research, but what's even more strange is that I can't find all the answers to my paranormal investigations on the Internet," the boy says with wide eyes. "Without the information on the Internet, how am I ever going to learn anything find out anything?" The boy asks in despair.

"Well," your tv self says, "there is always the library. A book never hurt anyone." You exit leaving your tv brother to stare back at the laptop screen for at least 10 seconds until the scene ends.

"Whoa," you breathe as the show cuts for a commercial.

"So what's the deal?" Fi inquires, confused.

"Well, if I am here, then Pat-I mean Jack must be--" you look back at the tv screen, "there." You laugh a little nervously, "Although where I am from, I am not on tv.... and I don't have a little brother..." you say to yourself pensively. "So," you continue, since you feel you are on a roll now, "where this dimension seems like real life, my 'supposed' other world is a television series. We must have just--"

"Switched places!" Fi chimes in! "That means, we're a tv show being watched somewhere else - right now!"

"Whoa," Clu says and looks around timidly. "Boy, I hope we aren't as lame as that show we just watched." Fi rolls her eyes. She sits down and pulls out her laptop, which she has conveniently brought with her.

"What are you doing?" you ask switching off the tv. Watching it is creeping you out more than being in Jack Phillips' body. "There has got to be something about traveling dimensions here," she says, typing. "What?" She mutters. "There's nothing found. That can't be." You roll your eyes as a feeling of deja vu hits you.

"Well, my man," Clu says, slapping you on the shoulder, "looks like you are stuck with us!" You being to ponder this further. Well,you could learn to live life as a man. Not to mention, you are in the body of the one you adore most on the show.

You walk over to Fi and see she is posting a message on her website message board. "I'm touched that you are trying to help me this much," you comment. Fi looks back at you then back at the message board.

"I want my brother back." she says. "Besides, these types of things interest me. It's not that I really care what happens you. What I care more about it getting people to take paranormal encounters seriously!" She types furiously as she emails JacksAngel. You are taken aback at this response. You decide since Fi is to enveloped in what she is doing, you will find somewhere to sit and figure this out. Sighing, you walk out of the lounge followed by Clu.

"Hey, Jack," Clu runs up to you. "You okay?"

"No, I'm not okay and I'm not Jack!" You blurt out in frustration and almost start to cry. Clu looks uncomfortable.

"I could go for something ice cold. Thirsty?" Clu says, suddenly. You shrug. "I think I know a little mart that sells some icees or something. Let's go."

Clu takes you to a random 7-11 store. This is where it all started, you remember. You turn to mention this to Clu, but notice he is gone. "Clu?" You call out and look back at the store thinking he went in. Then you notice your reflection and almost burst out in laughter. The person in your reflection isn't Jack Phillip--it's you! Shaking your head in amazement, you walk up to the window and peer in. You see a young man in there with a black baseball cap and decide to walk in. Upon walking in, you get a tingly feeling come over you and cannot seem to remember what you are doing there. The young man you saw through the window looks back at you and smiles as he fills his cup with white cherry. Somehow, at this point, it seems logical to you to get an extra large slurpee. Feeling compelled, you grab a cup and stare at the choices.

"White cherry...frozen Coke...blueberry razzle..." you mutter.

"The white cherry tastes the best." You hear the young man say behind you. "Besides," he continues, "you never know, you might drop your cup and blueberry razzle will stain!"

You look back at him like he has lost his mind. "Uh, thanks," you stammer and proceed to fill your cup with white cherry only. Drop my cup? What does he think I am? A four year old? You think to yourself and hear the 7-11 door ding as he leaves. As you go up to pay for the slurpee, you think that you have something you have to do but can't remember what it is.

You hand the cashier your money but he says that the young man has already paid for your drink. Smiling, you look outside and watch him open his car door. Grabbing a straw, you head outside....

**the end**