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Philosophical Ponderings

This is my page about Philosophy. I took the Intro to Philosophy class in the Spring quarter of 2000 at Aims. My teacher was F. Clark. He is a fun guy who knows a lot about everything. This Fall I am taking another class taught by him. The Logic class. So you can be sure to check back here for some more notes from that class. Now, here are the pages. All these are notes taken from Mr. Clark's classes. I had to take them for other people on occaision and I decided that I would type them to be nice, my handwriting is not excellent. So I decided that I would put them here too so that all you nuts out there could look at them. Make sure you look at my paper. It was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do in my life. And I got a 96% on it!!! WOO-HOO!!!! Anyway, that was the highest grade in the class. ^_^! I was estactic about that can't you tell. Anyway, he even said "that was a damn good paper," so I was happy!! Enough of my blabbing!! Go look!!!

These are notes about Euthephro (I can't spell his name)

Notes about Meno and Socrates' view about the immortality of the soul.

Notes about the Divided Line

Notes on the Allegory of the Cave! (this is a fun one!)

My famous paper!(download it in it's current location!)

Guess what!!!! I'm BAAACK!!! Yup that's right! I returnth to bring you more notes! Not like anyone looks at them anyway. It's just easier to save them to here rather than having to carry a disk around!

So anyway, these notes are from the Logic class that I am taking as we speak. So if you want to read them and learn something go ahead. I would suggest you read some of my Philosophy notes, especaily my spectacular paper. We don't have to write a paper for the Logic class, but we have to take lots of tests with interesting questions on them! So without further delay, the notes...

Chapter 1 notes.

Thats all for now. There might be more later! See ya!

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Please e mail me with any questions or with news about broken links!!!
