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Philosophy Notes, May 16th 2000

Today is the Allegory of the Cave.

What is a simile? A simile is a comparison using the words "like" or "as."

What is a metaphor? A metaphor is a comparison not using the words "like" or "as."

What is an allegory? An allegory is an extended metaphor.

In Plato's Republic...

Imagine a big cave, and in this cave there are prisoners who are tied to chairs with their heads also bound. Behind these prisoners is a terrace. On this terrace people walk while carrying things on their heads. The things that are being carried are like vases and trees and statues of people and other things like trees. Like rocks, fishbowls, pixy sticks, whatever. Behind these people is a fire and the fire casts shadows of what the people carry on their heads. The prisoners see the shadows that are cast on the wall by thefire. These prisoners have always been in this cave. Bob, a person who carries stuff on his head, usually carries a statue of a male on his head. The prisoners see the shadow of a man and think it's real. They hear Bob talk and associate Bob's voice with the shadow of the man. But if one day Bob decides to put a female statue on his head and talks, the prisoners will be confused.

Imagine what would happen if one of these prisoners got free.

Now something else is going to happen to the freed prisoner.

He can see that the sun causes him to know about the trees and to know that the sun caused all of this and he would see that it was all Good. It's so Good that hegets really excited. So when he reaches the cave he begins to tell everyone that the shadows which is what they think has been real for their whole entire lives, is bullshit. He will tell them this so many times that they will eventually kill him.

How this refers to the divided line.

Puideia is the Greek word for education, but it means literally "turning around".

Exduce is our word for education, like the Latin. It means to be led out.

In the story you should notice that there are two places where the prisoner turns around, this is because part of learning is teaching. You are duty bound to go back into the cave. Yeah, they're going to kill you, but that is your job.

Human existence is inside the cave and Socrates wants everyone to remember what they've forgotten when they went into the cave.

We live and die in the cave and our only route out is dialectic.

Christian theologians steal this idea from Plato, they just change "Good" to"God".

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