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Clinton Death Watch
While Bill Clinton Was In Office, A Number Of
People Related To His Administration Died.

Date  How Died?  Name  Occupation
6-10-91  Suicide  Dan Casolaro  Journalist Investigating A.D.F.A. and Mena AK.
7-30-92   Plane Crash  Victor Raiser & his son  Chairman of Presidential Campaign Finance Committee
2-26-93  Waco Siege  L. Le Bleu  Clinton Body Guard - B.A.T.F.
  Waco Siege  T. McKeanan  Clinton Body Guard - B.A.T.F.
  Waco Siege  R. Williams  Clinton Body Guard - B.A.T.F.
  Waco Siege  S. Willis  Clinton Body Guard - B.A.T.F.
5-18-93  Helo. Crash  W. Barkley  Clinton Body Guard
  Helo. Crash  B. Hassey  Clinton Body Guard
  Helo. Crash  S. Reynolds  Clinton Body Guard
  Helo. Crash  T. Sabel  Clinton Body Guard
5-19-93  Suicide  John A. Wilson  Washington DC Councilman preparing to expose Clinton
6-22-93  Suicide  Paul Wilcher  Washington DC Attorney investigating Mena AK.
7-26-93  Suicide  Vincent Foster Jr.  Deputy White House Council - Clinton childhood friend
8-15-93  Suicide  Jon Walker  Senior R.T.C. Specialist investigating White Water case
9-10-93  Plane Crash  S. Heard  Clinton Health Care Advisory Committee Member
  Plane Crash  S. Dickson  Clinton Health Care Advisory Committee Member
9-26-93  Murder  Luther "Jerry" Parks  Chief of security of Clinton's campaign headquarters
11-30-93  Suicide  Ed Willey  Member of Presidential Campaign Finance Committee
3-1-94  Plane Crash  Herschel Friday  Member of Presidential Campaign Finance Committee
3-3-94  Plane Crash  Ronald Rogers  Killed en route to "Clinton Chronicles" film interview
5-11-94  Suicide  Kathy Furguson  Former wife of Clinton Body Guard, Danny Furguson
6-12-94  Suicide  Bill Sheldon  Arkansas State Police Officer and fiancee of Kathy Furguson
7-28-94  Suicide  Calvin Waldruen  Police informant in J. Elders' son's crime distribution trial
4-19-95  Oklahoma Bomb  Alan G. Whicher  Clinton's Security Chief, Former Clinton Body Guard - B.A.T.F.
4-3-96  Plane Crash  Ron Brown  Clinton's Commerce Secretary - under criminal investigation

Since 1978, a remarkable number of people who worked with, worked for, were associated with, were friends of, or were bodyguards for Bill Clinton are dead. Is this a coincidence? Try to think of all the people in your life that you know that have been indicted for crimes.... have been convicted of crimes.... that are in jail, serving time for committing crimes.... that have committed suicide.... that have been shot to death.... that have died in plane crashes....

Bear in mind this is only a partial list of the actual number of dead. The present (July 1999) body-count is NINETY -- that's 90 -- and climbing. Click Here to see a more complete list.

Clinton's ROTC Letter & Col. Holmes Notarized Statement

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