Carl Sanders |
Carl Sanders
travels America speaking to
churches about the urgency of the hour and challenging the bride
of Christ to make herself ready! He has been on TBN, radio shows
and prophecy conferences around the country. In recent years there
has been unfortunate attacks made on this precious brother's
character. There are some rumors out there questioning the
credibility of his testimony and involvement with the
microchip/biochip technology development.
However, I have personal seen documentation, that in my opinion
clears up these allegations. At one stage in his ministry Carl
Sanders had gone by Dr. Carl Sanders. He was given an honorary
doctorate (similar to Dr. Billy Graham) by the Hong Kong
government when He taught over there. He still used this title
here in the states until a few years ago when he decided to drop
the title to help clear up some of the controversy surrounding his
I have personally got to know Bro. Sanders as a minister and friend.
He stayed in my home and we had much fellowship together. He is a
sincere brother with a heart for God. His testimony and message is
not solely "the engineer who helped design what might be the
mark of the beast." His testimony is his relationship with
God and his message is the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
As I told him about putting his testimony in the magazine and
perhaps publish the documentation that would clear up his name, he
sent me the documentation and a letter. I have decided not to put
the documentation in because it is too space consuming but here is
an excerpt from the letter he sent;
Dear Brother Heath,
...I believe God will give you wisdom in anything you write in this regard. I want not to defend but simply state who I am and let the record stand. I am not ashamed of my technical background and my involvement with the microchip projects or my involvement with many undercover agencies. I have asked God to forgive me and because of the shed blood of Jesus I am forgiven and I know this.I have taken boxes of documentation and confronted those who have come against me and they would not even look at the evidence but as with Steven they stopped up their ears and so after much prayer, God gave me a peace to go on with Him. He said in His Word, 'I will fight for you!' and He has done just that.
...Please Heath, understand, I do not want to tear down but to build up the Body and that is why we don't sell anything and never have. We are not interested in money but souls...
Bro. Sanders
I would like to say to any of you who might have heard or spoken hastily concerning the credibility of this man. Please be careful that you do not fall into the sin of gossip, slander or listen to such! One of the abominations of our God is slander and sowing discord among brethren! Bro. Carl Sanders can be contacted at the following address and phone number;
You can contact Carl Sanders at: |
TRUMPET MINISTRIES P.O. Box 320 Drasco, AR 72530-0320 Phone: (870) 668-3782 Fax: (870) 269-6114 Web Site: |
Documents Validate Carl Sanders' Life and Testimony CLICK HERE
Isn't odd to see how some people, like John Torell and others, are so quick to point out the "fraudulent" claims of Carl Sanders regarding his involvement with the microchip implant, while giving relatively little, if any, attention to the implant itself? The focus to draw attention away from the seriousness of the microchip implant (probably the very mark of the beast), and to focus the reader's attention on Carl the "bad Christian", should make any true Spirit led Christian take note and question the veracity of any such contradictory remarks (rumors, articles, statements, etc.).The story is not about Carl Sanders: the story is about the microchip implant – the mark of the beast – and "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." (Rev. 14:9-12)
Barcodes and 666: The Mark of the Beast?
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