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Harry Potter and The Band of Hogwarts

By Quidditch_Seeker

When Harry Potter arrived at Hogwarts for the first time, he was beyond amazed. He was stunned. Not many people know that Harry Potter is in the Hogwarts Wizard Band. It is taught by Professor Treble. Every student at Hogwarts is required to take a course in the arts. Harry, always wanting to play an instrument, signed up for the band class. He was in the beginner class, along with his friends Hermione, Ron, and Neville.

"So, Harry, what instrument are you going to play? I hope they let me play all of them," Hermione Granger said as they walked down a long hallway leading into the band room.

"Well, I would love to play trombone," Harry said. He wondered if a band of wizards was different than Muggle bands.

"What about you, Ron? I've heard all the Weasleys are great on the trumpet," Hermione said. Ron went red; he hated following in his family's footsteps.

"I'm playing trumpet. I already know enough about it, and I've already got one waiting for me," Ron responded. He didn't seem very happy about playing trumpet.

"I'm going to play French horn," Neville Longbottom said as Hermione tried to pull open the large doors leading to the band room. The doors were blue, and they had a large picture of the grand scale on them.

"Please state the note shown," said the door. Harry leaped back, stunned.

"Ron, what was that?" Harry whispered to Ron. Ron chuckled.

"That's a door with some kind of charm. Fred and George have practically mastered it. I think they got detention last time for making Professor Snape's cauldron start to sing," Ron said. Harry gulped. He didn't know that Snape could be that tough, but he was still Harry's least favorite teacher.

"That's a C," Hermione said. The two giant doors opened, revealing a grand room with chairs in rows and flying music holders in front of chair.

"Hello, children. May I ask who you are?" said a man in front of them. He was of average height and had absolutely no hair. His glasses were hanging off his nose, and he had a large scroll in his hand, flying in thin air.

"I'm Hermione Granger," said Hermione. She pointed at the others and said their names.

"What instruments do you want to play?" asked the teacher. He had checked off names with a large, purple quill.

"Uh, trombone," Harry said softly. The man pointed at a chair with his wand, and it came flying at him, picking him up and gliding to exactly where it had been before. The exact same thing happened to Ron and Neville, but there was a bit of confusion with Hermione.

"I want to play more than one instrument, but if I have to choose one, I'll take clarinet," Hermione said. A chair flew up toward her, picking her up and carrying her toward where it had been.

Dean Thomas sat to the side of Harry, playing tuba. Harry looked to the right of him. Right by the side of him was his worst enemy, Draco Malfoy; it looked as if he was playing trombone. It was going to be a very long year.

The man stepped onto the podium and sparks flew from his wand. The wand made a loud BANG, and the class became quiet almost immediately.

"Hello, class," said the man, "I am Professor Treble. I will be your instructor. From time to time, other teachers who were also in the Hogwarts Band will come in to show you a thing or two. There will be no charms used in this class in order to play better." Malfoy took out his wand and pointed it at Professor Treble, causing his bald head to grow ferrets. Malfoy threw his wand into Harry's lap.

"Who did this?" the man yelled. His eyes had a piercing stare; they were ready to kill.

"Harry Potter," said Malfoy, trying not to laugh. Professor Treble pulled out his wand and muttered a few words, causing the ferrets to disappear.

"Well, let's see if Mr. Potter did it," Treble said, aiming his wand at Draco. "This is a De-Deceit Charm, Draco. It will determine if Harry Potter did what happened." The man waved his wand around and said, "If this boy is a liar, set his arm on fire!"

Draco immediately dropped to the floor, clutching his arm. Harry could see the fire was actually quite small; it was like a small candle on his elbow.

"Malfoy, fifteen points from Slytherin and detention! You might as well be expelled!" said an outraged Professor Treble. Malfoy was screaming in fake pain. Hermione raised her hand and was called to speak.

"Professor Treble, isn't a De-Deceit Charm not supposed to be painful?" she asked. Professor Treble nodded.

"My father will get you for this!" Draco screamed. Treble laughed.

"Your father and I are good friends. He'll appreciate the fact that I knocked some sense in you," Treble responded.

"You filfthy liar!" Malfoy screamed. His chair almost immediately lifted up, and Professor Dumbledore entered the room.

"Hello, class. Mr. Treble, may I ask why Draco Malfoy's chair is flying in the air?" he said.

The band teacher went into a long explanation of the past five minutes. Dumbledore sometimes seemed to be holding his wand tightly at some times.

"I'll contact Professor Snape. For now, Mr. Malfoy and I will go have a talk with his father, who is here on business," Dumbledore said. Malfoy's chair dropped, and Draco landed with a hard thud. He followed Dumbledore out of the room, cursing.

"Class, let's get one with it, shall we?" said the teacher, not waiting for an answer, "We will all need our instruments for Monday. You may see me after class if you need to order one. For now, we will study music history, which is quite interesting. We will first study Beethoven, the famous composer. He was a pure-blood, but the first Wizard War had begun, and his parents had been killed. Soon after, the followers of Slytherin found him in a Muggle household. They found out he was famous for making music, so they did a curse that would make him deaf. However, it backfired, and he still became a very famous man. Any questions?" Harry sighed. This was not going to get more interesting until he got to play, even though he had never knew about Beethoven.

"Harry, do you know anything about the tuba?" Dean asked, tugging his sleeve. Even though Harry didn't play it,had heard it was hard.

"I heard it was hard. Maybe Hermione Granger should play it," Harry responded. Dean almost laughed. Harry didn't. She was sort of nice, and he thought she was his friend, for now at least. Harry didn't think Ron liked her much. He sighed as Professor Treble went on explaining Beethoven's music spells, which Harry found not to his interest at all. Dean had fallen asleep, floating on an invisible pillow, probably magic. Dean found it very boring. Of course, Dean had a slightly low tolerance level. Harry found it interesting. Sort of.

Author's Note: This is slightly revised and updated. Harry is on a different instrument to make it easier for me to write, as I play trombone as well. Because of that, other things had to be changed as well. I think it is better, and because of Harry's instrument change, I shall be able to write with more accuracy than before! Thanks for all your support! This is one of the highest reviewed fan fics I've ever written!