The way this deck works is pretty much easy to understand. You quickly evolve your Squirtles to Blastoise as fast as possible then load up on the energy and use the Professor Oaks and Bills to get as much water energy in your hand as possible. All the while using your energy removals and Super Energy removals to keep your opponent at bay so they can't hit you. I've had more luck with this deck in winning tournaments then any other deck. The main thing you need to remember is the first 7 cards you draw usually determine if you win the game. IF you have a bad draw then only luck will help you with this deck. The speed of this deck is its power.
Water Deck #2
4 Base Squirtle
2 Wartortle
3 Pokémon Breeder
3 Base Blastoise
2 Team Rocket Magikarp
1 Base Magikarp
2 Base Gyarados
2 Articuno
1 Lapras
2 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Energy Retrieval
4 Computer Search
3 Professor Oak
4 Bill
2 Gust of Wind
24 Water Energy
With the above deck it's really, really simple. Get everything out ASAP and hit your opponent with Superior Firepower. Alot of people when playing my deck are scared to keep Professor Oaking through the deck, don't be. At best in turn two I had all my bench and active pokémon loaded up with water energy to do any attack plus all pokémon were now evolved. Like I said, Superior Fire Power. This deck thus far has lost a couple of times while experimenting with it. Once to an Aerodactyl that came out on turn 2 and the other time to just plain old bad draws. This deck has no defense to it, it's strictly an offensive styled deck.
Update I brought this deck to Regionals in Dallas Texas Saturday June 17. I received 4th place and was beaten by bad draws. I've received the option to goto the National tournament in California if I chose to. This deck run very well for the most part and Gyarados, Articuno & Lapras were the main hitters. The bulk of decks at regionals were haymaker decks so this deck had its best test thus far. And it did really well.