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Fire Deck
4 Team Rocket Charmander 3 Pokémon Breeder
1 Charmeleon 4 Charizard
4 Duduo 3 Chansey
3 Computer Searchs 2 Super Energy Removals
4 Energy Removals 4 Bill
2 Professor Oak 3 Energy Retrievals
4 Double Colorless Energy 19 Fire Energy

Updated Thursday, April 27, 2000

With the Charizard deck you have the Pokémon Breeders to evolve to Charizard as quickly as possible and one Charmeleon in case they hit me with a Mew. Then just bye yourself time with the Energy removals and Super Energy removals to build up your Charizard. Utilize Charizards Pokémon Power to burn the double colorless energy to two Fire Energy for a quick Knock Out. The strenght of Doduo is there is no retreat coast for him. And Chansey is in there simply to take a beating while you build up Charizard. Don't use the Professor Oaks unless you absolutely need to get some cards in your hand. They are in there for emergency reasons like you have no other Pokémon and are about to lose or you have no energy, etc. You don't want to run out of cards and lose because of that. Take your time and think what your opponent may do before you make your move. Every card you lay down with this deck determines on how you will do.
