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Fighting Deck
4 Hitmonlee 4 Hitmonchan
4 Mysterious Fossil 3 Aerodactyl
2 Ditto 1 Chansey
4 Super Energy Removal 3 Energy Removal
3 Bill 1 Professor Oak
2 Energy Retrieval 2 Energy Search
2 Gust of Wind 1 Switch
1 Maintenance 2 Double Colorless Energy
21 Fighting Energy

This deck is probably one of the easiest to use and quickest to understand. You have alot of small hitters that if built up can hit very hard (Hitmonchan & Hitmonlee). You have the Aerodactyl for those decks that heavily depend on Evolution. This stops that. And if you get it out before someone gets out a Muk then you won't have to worry about Muk stopping your power because they'll never be able to evolve Grimer. You use the Energy Removals and Super Energy Removals to keep your opponent down and cut down on the beating your Pokémon will take. The Switch is for an emergency say if someone Gusts up a Mysterious Fossil. You need the Switch if you can't evolve it to Aerodactyl to move it back to the bench and move another Pokémon up. The Gust of Winds are for your Hitmonlee mainly. Say you been using Stretch Kick on a Pokémon and you have 3 Fighting Energy on him, when that Pokémon is weak enough Gust it up and use Hitmonlee's High Jump Kick then for 50 for a knock out. And with one energy for a retreat cost he is excellent for the deck. IF you have a choice at the beginning of the game between Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan then chose the Chan instead. Reason it only takes one energy for 20 points of damage with the chan. You can start the beating early. The Bills and Professor Oak are there mainly to get some cards in your hand if you are in need of it. The energy search and retrieval's are there for quick energy. The double colorless are there for Hitmonchans Retreat cost so don't use them if you don't have to. Keep them in your hand for paying retreat costs.
