How to Play
First off your deck must be 60 cards. No more no less. After you and your opponent shuffle your decks you give each other the option to cut the deck. Afterwards you deal yourself out 7 cards. Before anything else you look at your hand to see if you have at least 1 basic if you do then put your six prizes out, face down and put the rest of your deck face down beside you.
IF you do not have a basic Pokémon you must show your opponent your hand first and call for a Mulligan. What this means is that you have no basic Pokémon. This gives your opponent the option to draw two extra cards if they want, they are not required to. IF you Mulligan then you reshuffle your deck and once again see if you have any basic first. You must put one Pokémon up front which is your Active Pokémon and the rest you can place on your bench. You don't have to put a Pokémon on your bench if you don't want to but it's best to. Remember only basic Pokémon first. Once you've gotten this part then you can start the game.
One of you flip a coin and the other call heads or tails while it's in the air. The winner of the coin toss has the option on whether they want to go first or not. You draw a card from your deck. Now you have the options of playing trainers and energy. You can only place one energy down at a time unless you have a Pokémon like Blastoise that allows you to place more down during one turn. You can NOT evolve a Pokémon on your first turn and a pokemon can NOT be evolved the first time it comes out. You MUST wait one full turn before you can evolve it. You may play as many trainers in one turn as you want unless something which is played prevents it. The object of the game is simple you have a few ways to win: 1) You take all your prizes 2) Your opponent decks out which means they run out of cards to draw from their deck 3) You knock out your opponents Pokémon and they have no other Pokémon on the bench to bring up.
Everytime you knock out one of your opponents Pokémon you can draw one of your prize cards. IF you do some attack that knocks out more then one of your opponents Pokémon then you get a prize for each Pokémon that is knocked out. IF you do an attack that knocks out your Pokémon then your opponent gets to draw one of their Prizes for however many of your own Pokémon you knock out. You can put down a maximum of 5 Pokémon on the bench. The active Pokémon is the one that attacks and receives the hits from your opponents Active Pokémon unless an attack specifies otherwise. Once you've declared your attack then you can NOT place down any more cards till the beginning of your next turn. IF one of your Pokémon get knocked out you must put a benched Pokémon forward to become the new Active Pokémon BEFORE you draw a card from your deck.
If you have a Pokémon that is Paralyzed then that Pokémon stays Paralyzed to the beginning of your next turn. In other words If your opponent does an attack that Paralyzed your Pokémon, your Pokémon stays Paralyzed during your turn and won't become unparalyzed till the beginning of your next turn. Unless of course you have a trainer or Special Energy card that states that your Pokémon is Fully Healed or you evolve the Paralyzed Pokémon. IF your opponent puts your Pokémon to sleep. You may at the end of your opponents turn flip a coin to see if the Pokémon wakes up. You don't have to wait till the end of your turn. It states that the end of EACH turn you may flip a coin to see if the Pokémon wakes up. Also Full Heal Trainers and Energies will allow your Pokémon to wake up as well as evolving the sleeping Pokémon. If your opponent does something that confuses your Pokémon. The only way you can get it unconfused is to Evolve the Pokémon, Use a Full Heal Energy or Trainer, or if you can retreat the Pokémon by using a Switch card or you got heads in a coin flip. With Confusion you must first flip the coin to see if you can attack, if tails your Pokémon does 20 damage to itself regardless of what attack you use. If heads it can do it's attack. IF you want to retreat you must first pay the retreat cost then flip the coin if heads it may retreat if tails then you've lost your energy for the retreat cost and your Pokémon is still confused and still active. Remember if a Pokémon is Paralyzed, Confused or Asleep it's Pokémon Power stops.