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Electric Deck
4 Jungle Pikachu 2 Fossil Raichu
1 Basic Raichu 2 Ditto
3 Doduo 2 Dodrio
1 Fossil Zapdos 2 Promo Electabuzz
4 Energy Removals 4 Super Energy Removals
3 Bill 1 Professor Oak
2 Computer Search 2 Gust of Wind
2 Energy Retrieval 1 Pokémon Trader
1 Lass 4 Double Colorless Energy
19 Electric Energy

This deck is a bit more complex than a few of my other decks but once you get the hang of it then it really becomes easy. The Promo Electabuzz are a big plus in this deck with the Light Screen ability and can stall a game big time for you to get the cards you need. The big thing with this deck is to attack the bench as much as possible. My record thus far has been a 3 Pokémon Knock Out in one turn with this deck. The main power though is actually the Dodrio. IF you can get both out then you have no retreat cost on any of the Pokémon. Because of their Pokémon power, this is unless your opponent has Muk out then it stops their Pokémon Power. But checking with DCI a few times, they've stated repeatably that if both Dodrio would be out then it would take away 2 energies per retreat cost and since no Pokémon is more than two you have free reign if both are out to retreat as often as you like without consequence of paying the cost. The Energy Removals are in this deck along with the Super Energy Removals to disrupt your opponent's attack. The double colorless are basically for the Dittos. You must remember that with this deck you are wanting to hit both the defending Pokémon and the bench. Thus is why the Fossil Raichus and Jungle Pikachus being in the deck. The one basic Raichu is if I'm being out gunned by my opponent to use agility or use Electabuzz's Light screen. Pokémon Trader is in there to do a search for an evolution or basic that you need. The Lass you play after you've used your energy removals then play Lass to force your opponent to remove the Trainers in their hand and reshuffle them back into their hand. Computer searches are for finding the cards that you need and Energy Retrievals are for the energy you will be using for the Super Energy Removals on your opponent. The reason Zapdos is in there is to help with Doduo/Dodrio to have resistance to those Fighting decks you'll come up against plus his ability of hitting the bench.
