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Grass Deck
4 Bulbasaur 4 Pokémon Breeder
4 Venusaur 2 Chansey
2 Grimer 1 Muk
2 Scyther 1 Pinsir
2 Gust of Wind 2 Super Energy Removal
4 Energy Removal 2 Energy Retrieval
2 Computer Search 1 Professor Oak
3 Bill 4 Double Colorless Energy
20 Grass Energy

Updated Thursday, April 27, 2000

This is one of my favorite decks to play when I'm playing multiple people. Usually friends and family gather and we just have a 3 or 4 way dance where everyone is against everyone. This deck usually does well in those matches. The strength of this deck is utilizing Venusaurs Pokémon Power to be able to move grass energy to ANY Pokémon. I spread out my energy to all Pokémon that is out so that way I won't make it easy for people with Super Energy Removals. Then when I'm ready to move the big boy up I then move 4 grass energy there to him and pound away. Muk is in there simply to stall in case I get bad draws and someone is utilizing their Pokémons power then I stop that quickly with Muk. The colorless energy is for Scyther really or even Pinser. Only way I'd place that on my Venusaur is if I'm retreating the big boy. This is a solid deck and it has been able to keep up with those fast water decks like the "Squirtle Squad" that I use. Also remember, very important. IF you are planning on putting Muk out and you've already got Venusaur out and all Muk is going to do is disrupt your opponent then be sure to move your Energy how you want it BEFORE laying Muk down, then place him down. The best thing about this deck is low retreat cost to make this deck run smooth with little energy loss.
