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Starrcade Theme
"You got no guts, and you, you're a deadman.(Talking to Hogan)
"I'm sick of you bitchin' about that stupid powerbomb..."
"We have a very unique situation here, Ric..."(Dirtiest player in the game)
"What's black and brown and looks good on Sting? A Doberman Pinscher! Hahahaha!"
"How bout this? Just for old time's sake.......I'll be you're partner tonight."
"You know what Ric Flair as president means to me? It means nuthin'!"
"I'm gonna make you like what I tell you....tonight I wrestle you for control of WCW."
"Honey, I'm home. Whoooooo!"(From Sting 2: Back In Black)
"Diamond Dallas Trash's problems are not the Stinger's problems. And as far as this lady standing right here...(talking about Liz representing him)
"I figure since you're Vampiro, the vampire,let's make this a First Blood Match."
"Vampiro, come out, come out, where ever you are, Vampiro!"
"Vampiro, you little punk, you little kid, you little wimp. You and I need to have another conversation..."
"I'm Not Done Yet!"
"I'm callin you out!"
"You told em to stick it. No, you stick it,Hulk"
"You wiped out and trashed every single little kid."
"That was my good buddy, 'Sphincter' Bischoff."
"It's good to be back in black!"
"It is good to be back."
"I got cat's eyes and I got 9 lives. "
"The Stinger is here to stay."
"I say the Stinger is the only one who has been here through thick and thin."
"This WCW house is my backyard, my turf."
"If any one man can say they built this house, it would have to be,unquestionably,the Stinger."
"Things are gonna be different around here, startin' right now."
"If you got anything between those legs, I'll be waiting."
"Little sensitive;I hit a nerve didn't I?"
"Iiiiiit's Shooooowwwtime!"
"Macho Madness is on Viagra"
"Riddle me this,Riddle me that: Who's afraid of the big,black bat?"
"*I* was not driving the hummer."
"We got 2 words 4 ya!"
"Stizing in the Hizouse!"
"If ya screw me, I'll getcha."
"Space Mountain is on Viagra"
"I am WCW."
"I am not above hurting David Flair to get to you."
"I want control."
"You made me what I am."
"The only thing for sure about Sting is Nothin's for sure."
"You can stick it."
"We've all been screwed."
"We can do this nice and easy or we can do this nice and rough."
"It's Monday Nitro tonight, isn't it?"
"Maybe you can be the female version of the Total Package."
"If you ever swerve me again, I'll getcha!"
"Are you gonna represent garbage or are you gonna represent me, Liz?...."
"Don't sing it,bring it."
"It's showtime,clowns."
"You look like somebody just walked over your grave,boy."(talkin to Vampiro)
"WCW runs through my veins."
"This is my turf."
"I'm gonna kick the crap outta you then I'm gonna kick the crap outta your little bag."(from Madd TV)
"Not even human combustion can stop the Stinger!"
"This is the right place, it's the right time, and I'm the right guy. Tonight's good with me."
NEW!"Giant, don't let your mouth override your big fat a--- Your big fat booty OK?"
NEW!"I don't forgive, and I don't forget."
NEW!"I feel like buying a round for everybody right now
NEW!"I've become a whole lot meaner, also."
Most wavs came from and are credited to Frogstomper's WCW NWO Kingdom.This site has one of the biggest libraries of WCW wavs I've ever seen.Click here to go to the Kingdom Others came from Sting's Deathlocked Dames.