Bring Back Doyle Contest!

Do you write fan fiction? Are you convinced that Doyle WILL come back? then concider participating in the fan fiction contest that I am holding with How Can We Bring Back Doyle? Let Me Count The Ways!

The rules are simple:
* No plotless smut, I will accept NC-17 but only if there's an actual story
* Send all entries to Calandra or Ellen
* It must be about bringing Doyle back
* The fics must be complete
* It can be posted elsewhere on the net but by sending it to me, you are giving my permition to post it on my site (you retain all the credit).
* The contest ends on February the 29th 2000
* You may send as many entries as you wish

The winners will be chosen by me and Ellen. There will be a winner in each of six categories (Most likely to be filmed, Most outrageous, Most consistent with the characters, Funniest, Best crossover, Most original) each of which will receive a place of honour on my site and an award graphic. Good luck and happy writting. -Calandra & Ellen

The Winners of my Millenium contest will be notified by mail by the end of the week.