"City of"

Doyle: She has a very humanising effect.

Angel: You think she's a hottie.
Doyle: Well, she's a stiffener alright.

"Lonely Hearts"

Angel: If you want to ask Cordelia out, you can do it yourself.
Doyle: I don't even know if she likes me. You have to put in a good word for me. Tell her what a great guy I am.
Angel: I barely know you.
Doyle: Perfect! That should make it easier for you.

Doyle: When you're talking me up to her, don't let her in about me being a half demon. Women get a little funny about that.

Doyle: The lady's with me, all right?
Cordelia: No, I'm not!

Cordelia: Demons, is there anything more disgusting?
Doyle: You think so?
Cordelia: Come on, okay, look at this one, this demon wears a wreath of intestines around his neck, I mean, honestly? What statement is this thing trying to make?
Doyle: I mean, you know it really depends, doesn't it? I think some demons can be pretty nice, you know, given the opportunity, you get to know them, yeah?
Cordelia: I've known a lot of demons, and slime aside, not a lot going on there.

Cordelia: That is so high school. "Cordelia wears bras, Oooh! She has girl parts!"
Doyle: Take it easy, you're being a tad defensive here, I think it's refreshing to see a woman living like this, you know, it means you're not so uptight, you live for the moment, (steps in a bowl of oatmeal) you're disgusting.

"In The Dark"

Doyle: If we ever want to take that trip to the Bahamas together...

Cordelia: I'm an actress.
Doyle: And quite a captivating one at that.

Cordelia: I could hug you!

Cordelia: Doyle!

"I Fall to Pieces"

Cordelia: What am I missing?
Doyle: Not a thing I can see.

Cordelia: I have needs.
Doyle: Needs?

Doyle: Personaly, I don't think you need much in the way of clothes.

Cordelia: You're a lot smarter than you look.

Doyle: People need people... and people who need people (leans towards Cordy) are the luckiest peo...
Cordelia: Either you like them and they don't like you or you can't stand them which just garanties that they're going to hover around and never go away.
Doyle: I hate guys like that.

Doyle: Not every relationship ends in disaster.

Room with A View

Doyle: They don't know what they missed

Doyle: If you ever want to spend a night away from your apartment, just give me a call.

Doyle: She's really something isn't she? It's like wresling a tiger just to get to know her. Well, tell me something. About Cordelia.

Cordelia: Doyle. Doyle, Doyle, Doyle.

Doyle: You know I was crazy about her. I was wearing her down too!

Doyle: How 'bout leaving some for the homely looking guy who don't go evil when they get some?

Doyle: You look lovely by the way.

Cordelia: I only helped the guy as a favour to you.

Cordelia: Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?
Doyle: No, never.

Doyle: Must be why you find me so fascinating.

Doyle: There's bright spots... like Cordelia.

Sense and Sensitivity

Doyle: Great shoes. New?

Kate: Someones got a crush.
Cordelia: What?
Kate: It's right there. What he feels about you. And you don't know what to do about it.
Cordelia: Please! We just joke around.
Kate: Where is the truth? Where is the truth? He's hiding behind Mr. Humor! I mean, look at--look at Doyle. Really look at him. What do you see?
Cordelia: A bad double-poly blend?
Kate: That's defense, Cordelia. Maybe you should open your heart to a new possibility.
Doyle: "You know, she's starting to make some-"

The Bachelor Party

Doyle: Are you okay?
Cordelia: I'm fine... that was so, brave.
Doyle: Could you say that again with a little less shock in your voice? You're kinda stepping on my moment of manliness.
Cordelia: Sorry, I'm just...
Doyle: Surprised?
Cordelia: Grateful.

Cordelia: Doyle, Oh look what they did to you!

Cordelia: You'll get through this Doyle, nice guys don't always finish last.
Doyle: You think I'm nice?
Cordelia: I say it, I think it; it's my way.

Cordelia: I really apreciate what you did last night.

Cordelia: Nobody eats my friend's brains!

Cordelia: Maybe Doyle does have some hidden depths... really hidden depths but depths and I sorta owe him a mocachino for saving my life.

Cordelia: Then Doyle comes along and saves me like some badly dressed superhero. And you know what's the first thing he asks me? 'Are you ok?' I mean, that's substance.

I Will Remember You

Cordelia: You have so much to learn little Irish man.


Doyle: We'll manage Princess

Cordelia: You're perfect.

Doyle: Well, there's a girl upstaris who's not quite sad enough to cry in my arms but keep up the dark cloud. I might get lucky.

Doyle: I'm still working up the nerve to ask Cordy out for dinner. Not to mention the whole part about telling her I'm a half-demon. That should probably come first, huh?

Cordelia: We were worried.

Doyle: I wanted to tell you but I was afraid. I thought you would reject me.

Cordelia: Would you ask me out to dinner already?

Doyle: Too bad we will never know if this is a face you could learn to love.

Hopefully there will be more quotes some day