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By Shirley Busby

Song Playing:
~The Sand Song~

Some things never seem to change
Like the way the sun comes
up over the cypress trees....

Or the way the moon shines across
the lake at night when most are

Gently, the dew kisses each blade
of grass then hides as the sun
gently rises....

I watched as the birds searched
for the food they will need today

Like we do they seek out enough
to make it through the day

I watch as the sunsets just
behind the tall pines and wonder
if somewhere out there...

Someone else is watching this
same sunset and wondering....

Does anyone find true love?

Or is it just a fantasy as
Told by a dreamer...



Mail SJ

Song on this page was used
with permission from Don Carroll...

Please check out his website...

~Don Carroll's Site~
