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Song Playing:
"There's A Place
In The Sun"

Hello heart, how are you tonight?
I heard you were broken and
feeling sad

The sun is up and you will
dance once again

Yes, you will laugh again

Heart, not everyone can
love as you do, at times you
will have this feeling
of loneliness

Heart, there are ones that will
use your loving and caring ways
to fulfill their own desires
But Heart, go on loving
and trusting

This I do know, there will
be that one Special Love that
will enter your very soul and
forever make your heart their home

Take special care of that one
Hold on to your dreams even
when it may seems there is no
way it can come true

You see Heart, your love
keeps them anchored in
everlasting love and
gives them hope

Always guard your Special Love
always encouraging and keeping
hope alive

Never let doubt, fear or
outsiders tell you that your
love has died, Your love has
given back the lost dreams

Joy once again filled the air
laughter returns and most of
all, remember love has returned
to each of you once more

Yes, there have been tears
but remember, most were tears
of joy and pleasure. Remember
the times we cried from the laughter?
Then heart, Dry Your Tears
and keep believing, Our kind
of love never dies

Believe in your dreams, believe
in us, and hold on to our dreams

As I do, my love

By S.J Busby
All Rights Reserved

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