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Song playing:

"Ebb Tide"

"Treasures Of Life"

By: SJ Busby
All Rights Reserved: 1999

A gentle hush falls as the
evening encircles the end
of another day.

A soft wind whispers through
the leaves, and sings a song
to all creation.

I wonder at the beauty of
Another day. Some have
Gone about their day in
A hurry and not taken
One moment to see the
The beauty of a robin,
Heading to it's nest.

And missed the laughter
of a child, or spoken
a kind word to another
In our hurry to accomplish
all the success we seek
we miss what is really
important, our families,
And friends

As they play with our
children and grandchildren.
They are the true treasures
of life.

It is not what we have in the bank,
or if we belong to the right club or,
the best Gym in town, True Treasures
in this life can't be found in a savings
account. You should not avoid or push
away those True Treasures in your life.

The more you give, the more valuable
your true treasures become. When it
comes from the heart, it is ture and pure.
Full of life and gives strength to the
hurting and comfort to the lonely.

These gifts can not be contained or saved,
we must share our gifts that have been given
to each of us. Share, you can't out give our

When you share a smile, a kind
word of encouragement, or a
Hug, you get blessed right back.
Isn't that what each of us want?
No matter what we are facing some-
one will be there for us to lean
on, and tell us not too worry this
to shall pass.

Is there someone right now that you
can think of who needs a word of
encouragement, a smile or even a hug?

Maybe an old friend you used to see or
talk with everyday and now each of you
have gotten so busy with children and
all the events in a day that, your friend-
ship has fallen by the way side. Give them
a call and catch up on what's going on in
their life.

Come on, make someone smile, and share the
best gift that you have, "yourself!"
Give of your time, your laughter and
your faith. Be the best friend you can
be, by just being there. Each of us need
a shoulder to lean on, and a hand to hold.

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