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Dad's Tribute

FEBRUARY 26, 1980-SEPTEMBER 28, 1999

Hi son, I am writing this to you knowing and trusting in my heart that God is allowing you to hear this just as when I wrote to paw paw. Son, I just wanted to say again how much I love you and how proud of you that I am. You have been more of a blessing to me and your mother than you will ever know. You are the kind of child that everyone would hope to have but, that would not be a hard task if they tried to follow God as you did.

You were such a strength to me more times than you can imagine. You gave joy and laughter to everyone you came in contact with and witness to them. I also know that you loved your sister very much and that she loves you.

I am sorry that we did not have a very close relationship as we both wanted but, I know that you knew that I loved you with all my heart and I also felt that from you. I am so thankful for the great memories that you and I did share together, like going rabbit hunting and being able to teach you how. Also the duck hunting. I also can remember when you were playing T-ball and trying to run to the bases. That was so much fun watching you grow up and being able to teach and direct you in these things.

Son, I know that there is so much more that I could say about you but, that would take the rest of my like time. I will say this again that you were such a blessing that God gave us for nineteen (19) years of our life. You gave to so many people and touched so many lives with your smile and gentle heart. God is still using you here upon the earth and I pray and you continue to pray that I will allow him to use me as you did.

Well, I guess I better go now and get ready. Your mother and I as well as your sister and Kale are going to miss you very much but, we will see each other again someday, just as Mary did her son Jesus. Who would have ever thought that Christ would have given us a child as you, just as God gave Mary and Joseph. I am so thankful for the blessing that God gave us in you. I know you are well now but, you take care and I'll see you later.

Love always, Dad

P.S. I know it's all good because you beat me to it and said so.