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~v~ Silent Aya's Page ;) ~v~

~v~ Hiya!!!!! Welcome to my Silent Hill site ;) I got lots o' Links and stuff to share with ya! Enjoy!! ;) heehee --Aya p.s. This is me and Bangz's house! hehee! ;o* Love you Hun! check out allllllllllllllll my links please!! stuff bout me: i love Gore and Horror..and stuff!!! ;) yada yada yada...on with the gore and shit!! yay! hee he ;) View My SlamBook! |

~v~ Silent Hill Walkthroughs ~v~

A good Walkthrough ;)
The BEST walkthrough on the web :)
Good site with lots o' codes :)

~v~ The Official Silent Hill site ~v~

Konami's Silent Hill page ;)

~v~ My Other Sites ~v~

My 1st Site ;X
My Hunny's site ;o*
His other site with Weezie ;)
My other SH Page ^_^
Kane Hodder's ( Jason, F13th) site ;)
best site for any type of desktop Theme:)
Faces of Death..yay!! >;)