It is easy to praise and
worship our Lord when the
sun is shining and all
is right in my world, but
when I have to press past
the loneliness, and past
the pain of unkind words
spoken in hast

I fight unseen forces to
get through the dark
clouds that gather in
the middle of the night
and I hear Him whisper...

"I Am here"

When I am weak in body and
spirit, and the burdens are
too heavy and the pain floods
my heart and tears flow like
a river I lean on Him.

I'm not ashamed to call upon
His name for He is my Lord
and I hold tightly to His
promise of...

"I will never desert you, nor
will I ever forsake you"

It is in those darkest hours
that He kneels beside us and
brings peace and rest
to our soul as He whispers...

"I Am here"

Once again I will lift my
hands in songs of praise
and again I will dance and
worship my Lord, for my joy
has returned

His unconditional Love removed
the pain of unkind words spoken
in hast. He walked each
step with me and dried each
tear, He filled my soul
with peace and I found
renewed hope as
He whispered...

"I Am Here"

By Shirley Jean Busby
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