"Somewhere Along The Way"

Have you ever watched as the day's
last sun beams fall behind the trees?
Or watched the shadow of the trees as
they danced across the lawn?

I love the evening time and as my mind
wonders, I question, "Where have all the
years gone?

One day I'm a small child playing with dolls
and chasing fireflies in my parents yard
and before I can turn around I'm here all
alone. "Is this what I worked for all those
all those years, to be old and alone?

Somewhere along the way...
I now spend long days filled with friends,
yet, often wonder, where's my family?
Nights are often filled with tossing
and turning unable to sleep because of
the little pains that awake me during
the night. Or the fear that comes from
hearing a strange sound. Yes,
Somewhere along the way...
The days all run together and
suddenly there is no need to rise
early because there is no one here
to say, "Good Morning!" There's no need
to hurry home because there is no one
at the door to welcome me home.

Somewhere along the way I was a child
swinging in my backyard. Then a young
lady dressed for the High School Prom.
And before I knew it I had met and
fallen in love and married the
love of my life and became a
Mother of four!

Wait just a minute! It seems like
overnight I became a Grandmother of
how many? I smile, remembering the joy
that came from each child and the pride
that shines within my heart.

Somewhere along the way...God
truly blessed me! Yes, He did!

Oh, but wait, did I just hear my beautician
say, You really should cover this gray?
And I wonder, should I? Really?

Somewhere along the way my hands grew weak
and hurt even to do the smallest task.
Somewhere along the way...
I started writing down the simplest things
like dates and phone numbers that once were
so simple to remember.
And when did I start having to be reminded
of my Grand Children's and Great Grand
Children's birthdays?

By the way, how many Great Grand Children
do I have? Oh, how blessed I am!

Somewhere along the way little pictures
drawn by my grandchildren adorned my
refrigerator door and made me smile.
Who removed them, and replaced them with
what they now say are more important

Now the numbers of doctors and the
hospital's emergency numbers have taken
the place of smiles, and silly knock-
knock jokes and tongue twisters the
little ones insisted I learn. And I
miss the funny little faces and notes
that read, "Granny, I love you!"

Somewhere along the way...
I miss the evenings with you, my love.
Sometimes I can still smell your aftershave,
and remember the scent of a candle burning.
Suddenly my memory return to better times,
in our younger years. The laughter we shared
as we danced to music playing on the radio
on the side of a country road. I remember
us doing the Twist and the dance floor
cleared while all eyes were on us! Yes,
Rock and Roll would put us to dancing at
anytime or place! Somewhere along the way.
When I remember our love, and the children
God blessed us with, my heart fills with
such, love, joy, pride and peace.
I know you are keeping watch over us
and you see how our little family
has grown. And I know your heart is
bubbling over with joy!

Somewhere along the way...
Wait just a minute, may I ask a question?
When did I become the one in need of help
and my children the caretakers?

Somewhere along the way...
Memories aren't always kind,
they don't always bring comfort
to our heart. Time passes so fast
now and the weeks, months and years
fly by. Somewhere along the way...

Yes, at times my mind wonders to years
long passed but those times don't last
long, I say, "I'll think about that
another day.

I wanted you to know before it is
too late, I love each of you. I may not
remember all the good times we've had
together, or all the laughs we shared
but if you will, please, remember me and
how much you were loved by me?
Somewhere along the way.

By Shirley Busby
© Aug 16 2000


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