The Old Oak Tree

There's an old oak tree in our backyard that I
like to sit under in the cool of the evening.
Today was no different I had worked hard cleaning
the house and cooking dinner and was happy for a
few minutes to relax before my family returned

As I stood up to go inside there was a web like
substance that seemed to cover the old oak tree
and time stood still! I saw people wondering
about without any direction. They did not notice
me, it was like they could not see me.

What strange land am I in? I wondered.
This land was barren and so cold!
I saw no birds, no trees, and no flowers.
There once were lakes and fishing ponds
but now nothing, only dried cracking land
beneath my feet, no grass!

A tall elderly man came up to me dressed in
a long gray robe, he looked to be mid 60's,
maybe a little older. There were tears in his
eyes and in his face I saw such great pain!

He spoke not a word, but I felt and understood
his inner thoughts. He told me he was only
forty two years old and not in his mid 60's!

Minutes passed as I wondered where I was,
then I heard the man speak to my spirit again.
"You do not realize that you are standing in
your own back yard, where you and your family
have sat so many times. The old oak tree is
gone now, and no longer giving it's shade as
it once provided for you."

I could not believe what he was saying, yet
somehow I knew what he was saying was true!
I could only shake my head and try to
understand what he was saying.

He went on to say, "Like everything else it's
is gone, destroyed by greed and hate. Before
you is what's left of the Earth you loved
so much!

There were others in your generation with their
useless killing of wildlife and burning of the
woodlands and what you see now is all that
is left!

Kindness and friendship turned to hate, friends
used one another because of their greed all was
lost. Love, forgiveness respect of life were
thrown to the wind, never to be heard of again!
Whole nations, complete races and religions are
gone forever. Love and joy they are only words.
More like bedtime stories told to us by our
elders around the fires at night.

Then came the war that destroyed everything!
Fathers turned against sons, Mothers against
their own daughters! Brothers against brother!

The words and feelings of love, family,
country and peace must at one time been
the foundation of your world as you knew

Such a waste for now we who came after you
have nothing!" He looked away so I would not
see the tears as they fell from his eyes or
the pain that was forever in his eyes.

"Can you tell me the meaning of home, trust
and the ties that bind?"

As I stood there, seeing but still not
believing what I heard or saw I felt cold
and the air was getting harder to breathe.
I felt like I was going to be sick!

Taking my hand the man said, "Sit here those
feelings will soon pass." His eyes held all
the sorrows and pain in his heart, I saw all
the pain he and his people had suffered.
He weeped for the love, home, and family he
would never know. For the green leaves and
flowers he would never see, for the mountains
he would never climb.

We got up and started walking again then he
stopped and looked at me, and again he spoke
to my spirit.

"You must go back and tell all who will listen
what will happen if they do not correct their
ways! Tell them of what you have seen here today.
Tell them to stop killing one another. Tell
to stopping hating each other. We are all
part of each other. They must realize that!"

Just as fast as he had appeared he was gone
and I knew a part of him would always be
with me and the pain that was in his heart,
now lived in mine.

The sun was warm on my face and I rejoiced
as I heard the songs of the birds and the grass
cool grass under my feet! The air was fresh
and clean! There was a gentle breeze blowing
through my hair. Yes, I was in my own back
yard. I heard my children calling me and my
husband walking towards me!

I gave thanks for it was only a dream!

I had to wonder, have we forgotten to care
about the generations that come after us?
How many generations have been aborted?
Those children will not be here to fill
the work place. We have killed off our
future not to mention what each of those
little ones had to offer this World. Maybe
a cure for Cancer, or some other disease.

Let's remember that our freedom brings
with it a great responsibility not only
to ourselves and our children but to all
who walk this Earth. May our Lord bless
and keep each and everyone! Let's open
our hearts and ask for His forgiveness
and for His love to flow through our hearts.


By S. J. Busby


Happy's Site Map

R&C Gif Manor is where I found
the tree used on this page

~R&C Gif Manor~

Make sure you visit their beautiful site!