Whisper His Name

Each day is filled with new worries,
Hopes and desires and we wonder,
What this new day holds. Not only
For ourselves, but for family and

One sure thing we know is, no matter
What this day will bring our way,
Our Lord is with us.

He has given us His assurance, He
Will never leave us, nor forsake
Us. And that is worth more than
Any amount of silver or gold!

Everyone around us may be out of
Control, and confusion may cloud
Our mind, but just the,
Whisper of His name, will
Bring peace to our soul.

Sitting at His feet brings peace.
So come, drink once again from the,
Living Water and be filled, refreshed
And gain new strength to walk the path
Set before you this new day.

My Friend, not only are you blessed,
But you are a blessing to others!
Sing a New song! Yes, Rejoice
And be glad, for this is,
A new day, that our Lord
Has made!

Rest in our Lord, knowing
His Holy Spirit is with you
Every step you take.

SJ Busby

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