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At Home on STX

As you have already figured out, I am from St. Croix. I thought I would let the outside world get a peek at what life is really like inside the Richter house...

Meet The Family

Here are some photos that will really help you get to know what my sophisticated, proper family is like...

Meet Mom.... she welcomes you to our home. Oh look, she is baking you a cake from scratch! She is such a snappy dresser, look at the way she wears that old torn up night-shirt inside-out. And I am sure if you asked her would tell you that she is "so sexy", right ma?

On the other side of the kitchen we find Lance, carving up what was left of the Christmas ham. He looks just a tad bit confused wouldn't you say?

Here's John, my friendly sibling... wait who are we kidding? John's a jerk... and yet everyone still seems to like him. Well, he is looking especially tasty in this picture, as he brushes his long luxurious locks. Maybe you could be a model someday, John!

Christmas Time

Have you ever wondered what Christmas would be like without snow? If you have these pictures certainly won't give you any better idea, these will just let you know the joys of Christmas with my little family...

Don't these little kiddies look so happy on Christmas morning? And check out the kids in the picture below, they are the very same kids just 15 years later... don't they look thrilled to be alive?

So now you know what me and my brother look like sitting in front of the tree... But is there more to our crazy Christmas's than that? Oh... you betcha!

Here we see John and Lance playing with their new high-tech presents...

However... poor Di hasn't quite figured hers out yet...