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Random Rant on: Asshole Bosses

I have worked for many, many assholes. Many. One of my jobs this summer was a waitressing job. The owner there, Scotty, was the stupidest man alive when it came to running a business. They went out of business in August. Not only was he stupid, he was a jerk. I know how to run a business because I was raised to run my father's. When I had a better way to do something, even if it was something as small as waiting on a birthday party, he woudn't talk to me for the rest of the night unless it was to tell me I was doing some little thing wrong. It ended up being a good thing that I did work there because I met the owner of the law firm who gave me my second job this summer. Serve men beer and be friendly; it may work to your advantage.

My other asshole bosses were managers at another resteraunt I worked at. They were jerks in a different way. Both of them were men, one was around 25 and the other was in his 30's. If any of the girls working there went into the back alone, they would pull the girl into the office and start touching them. Once, the younger one slammed me up against a wall and started kissing my neck. It all worked out okay in the end because I got a nice out of court settlement package.

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