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They arrive and I realize what an eclectic group of people I have invited to dinner. Anyone could see that merely by looking at them. Patricia arrived first, actually she was fifteen minutes early, which was more than a little annoying. She was dressed like she writes. She looked uncomfortable and stiff. Both her and the article she wrote were over done in some boring formal outfit. She had on one of those old lady business suits: a jacket with shoulder pads over a starched white shirt with an ill-fitting skit that came down past her knees. Her gray-streaked hair was in a tight bun, she was a little heavy, wrinkles on her forehead and around her eyes, thin lips with almost worn off lipstick, and cold dark brown eyes; picture your middle school librarian. We may as well have been from different planets.

As for me, I wore my little black skirt, one of those black loose knit sweaters that you can see through with a black spaghetti strap top underneath, and black boots that come up to my knees. It’s a great outfit; it kind of gives off a Pulp Fiction bad ass vibe. I’m pretty sure everyone could tell that black is my favorite color.

Chris arrived next, right on time. Seeing him was something of a relief. Classic boy clothes: Hawaiian printed board shorts, a Local Motion surfer shirt, and Reef flip-flops. Californian laid back good looks. He had sandy blonde hair that was in desperate need of a cut, bronzed skin, and hazel eyes. Chris’ releases on the Napster site were relaxed and to the point. It didn’t seem as though he tried to formalize everything and he appeared to have made an effort to write so that the releases would be easy for any user of Napster to understand.

Lisa arrived right after him. She looks just like another woman I respect a great deal and I immediately liked her by association. Like my other guests, her dress resembled her writing style, intelligent and laid back. She wore light blue jeans and a black suede vest half buttoned with only a black sports bra underneath it. She had a liberal intellectual look: short black hair, green eyes, and small wire glasses. A combination of a mousy intellectual and a classic beauty, I knew we were in for quite an interesting night.

At the beginning of the night, everyone was formally introduced and we sat and made small talk for a while. Everyone was very polite, trying to get a feel for one another and the future endeavors of the night. Forty-five minutes passed and we sat down to eat at my very expensive, very classy, very imaginary table with a glass top. I passed out the plastic plates and told them to grab whatever they wanted. After everyone was settled, I asked Chris about what he thought was going to become of Napster. He began to explain, giving an account of some of the proceedings.
