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At this point Patricia is foaming at the mouth (figuratively speaking of course) and continues to cite the various evils that would come about if Napster were not terminated. No one really was taking her seriously because she got so worked up and was not trying to relate on a personal level. She was too caught up on the hard facts, many of which did not make sense or even relate to our argument. I saw that my other guests were beginning to get quite annoyed with her. In effort to keep them happy (the guests that were enjoyable to be around), I held a meeting in the kitchen and where we unanimously voted her off of my property. I walked her to the door only half listening to her accusing me of being rude (like I care). I opened the door for her and said: “You are the weakest link. Good bye.” This was something that I was quite confident that I could do because was my property and she was too abrasive. At least I was considerate of my other guests by consulting them about the situation first. The basic policy at my place is that you can stay as long as you like, provided that you are entertaining and pleasant to be around. Sadly, Patricia was neither.
