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Chris Whitten, the guy that works for Napster, was wonderful to talk to. I really did not know much about the kind of people that work for Napster before speaking with him and it gave me some hope for the music business knowing that there are still people who truly support and love music, not just money, involved in it. I loved when he said that when starting up the company their goal was to make any genre of music “accessible and affordable.” That supports the ideal of music.

Lisa was very cool to have over just because I love liberal intellectual people. I like to think that a lot of my views are along those lines. She supported what I was saying and added her own flair. Really she just confirmed what I thought with her knowledge of the Napster case. The thing she said that really hit me was when she stated that "lawsuits should not be used to destroy a viable and useful independent Internet distribution system." Exactly. The music is what matters, not all of this possessive greed.

Patricia was the one that I could not identify with at all. The main reason for this was probably that she was so stiff. I don’t do well with people that are so formal and won’t just let go. While she did try to present facts, it came across that she was just trying to contradict everyone else and point out that Napster is going to be the death of the music industry. I didn’t learn much from what she had to say due to that. It made it hard to see what she personally felt about the Napster case. I wish she could have presented her case using the facts without going crazy over it. Her saying that Napster was “aiding the theft of copyrighted works by letting people trade music for free” was too extremist and turned a lot of people off to what she was saying. I feel that in doing that she would have had a better chance of convincing more people of her point of view. She supported the big men at the top. Why would anyone want to support that? She never made it clear to me.
