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Before my strange little dinner party occurred, my views on the whole Napster issue were that all of these big money corporations were just being greedy. It seemed to me that they were only concerned with money and that the music was inconsequential. What they overlook is that music is the whole point. It is part of our world, part of our culture, part of us. Music affects me daily. Songs are such an accessible way to express oneself. There is an Ani DiFranco song that I think sums up my whole stance on expression through music with one line: “You sang just the way my heart would if it finally knew just what to say.” For centuries humans have used music to express their feelings freely. Some fat old men with too much money trying to take away the accessibility of music from the public is not what music is about and if they don’t understand that then they shouldn’t be allowed in the business at all.

I guess I have kind of a hippie ideal when it comes to the industry, but I wouldn’t want to be caught dead working for the man. In no way do I support the rich getting richer while the poor just get poorer. I am hopeful that will start to change though. There is a growing popularity of indie labels and musicians taking control of their work. People are becoming less content with letting a label take their money and their creativity being ignored because it doesn’t fit the pop music formula. Napster helped artists like this to break through and other companies like Napster continue to do this even now. These big corporations can take your money and they can take your gold, but they can never take your heart and they can never take your soul. Viva Napster!

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