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Pictures of the Girls

Amy and Emily: The early days. Probably a promo picture.

Amy and Emily a few years ago.

Amy (in a dress?!) and Emily

Amy and Joan Jett in '97

Amy and Emily- Come on Now Social promo

Another from Come on Now Social

Amy from Come on Now Social. Isn't she adorable?

Emily from Come on Now Social. Fabulous picture.

Emily, Amy, and Jane taking a rest.

Amy and Emily playing it live. Still getting used to the striped pants and top thing on Amy...

Emily and Amy doing an Honor the Earth promo.

An Indigo Girls collage I stole of some girl's web site. It was just too cool not to "borrow!" :)

Amy and Emily playing a show on the 1200 curfews tour.

Amy and Emily with a mandolin and a banjo. Love it!

Amy and Emily playing "Shame on You." Rock on Amy!

Amy and Emily... looking cold but still playing anyway.

Amy and Emily playing hard.

Emily and Amy doing their activist thing. Aren't they great?

Amy and Emily playing together on MTV back in the day when MTV still played music...

Amy and Emily posing for an Nomads, Indians, and Saints promo.

Amy and Emily getting off the plane, taking time for a picture.

Another Come on Now Social promo.

Emily and Amy having fun while doing a signing session for Shaming of the Sun.

Emily and Amy at the signing session for Shaming of the Sun.

Amy and Emily being their sweet selves.

Emily and Amy playing the guitar together... literally.

Yet another old promo picture.

Amy and Emily playing live in the lights. *Sigh*

Amy and Emily jammin' on some steps. This is how I see them.

Amy and Emily on the Rights of Passage tour.

Emily and Amy looking a little bored in another early days promo. Are we having fun yet?

They are just great.

Just wanna squeeze them or something.

Pictures of Emily

Emily playing live. Can ya tell she loves it?!

Telling a story during a show.

Emily playing at Michelle Malone's benefit thing.

Smiling away at the benefit, looking sweet as ever.

High school picture of Emily. Adorable form the begining! :)

Pictures of Amy

Amy lookin' good as always.

Amy on stage playing her heart out.

Amy singing on stage.

Amy loving the music.

Amy rockin' out.

Looking down... "What song is next?!"

Amy again. I'm still not sure about the striped pants and shirt thing...

Can ya tell I like her?

Playing her mandolin. Is there anything she can't do?

Amy on Letterman.

Amy at Newport. Isn't she great?

From the "Watershed" music video. *Sigh*

How cute is this!?

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